Ethical leadership, good governance and favourable policieswill see mining investors flocking to SA - chamber

By Dylan Slater      / January 18, 2018 / / Article Link

The findings of a survey conducted by the Chamber of Mines (CoM), which were released last month, indicate that, if South Africa’s mining industry shifts its focus to create an attractive policy, regulatory and governance environment – through ethical leadership, good governance and the adoption of competitive, stable and predictable policies – considerable new investment in mining could follow.

“This would create huge economic and transformation benefits for the country and the multiplier effects would be profound,” says CoM CEO Roger Baxter. “Not only would this result in a significant growth in annual investment, but there would [also] be a sizable increase in jobs, export earnings, [gross domestic product] and, importantly, transformation.”
Baxter warns that the economic and transformational opportunity cost of the current “toxic” regulatory environment is detrimental to “each and every South African”.


According to the report, real net fixed investment in South African mining projects declined in both 2015 and 2016, going against a generalised recovery in the global mining environment and major mining jurisdictions.

“South Africa is, again, losing out,” states the report, which details the findings of an aggregated survey conducted among CoM members.


Through the report, the CoM set out to determine whether the mining industry’s current lack of investment attractiveness and the contrast in rankings for different criteria by international institutions are the result of a lack of potential or the result of the negative impacts of the current policy, governance and regulatory environment.

In total, 16 member companies, representing several mining operations, responded to the survey. These companies represent a cross section of the various commodities and make up most mining production in South Africa. According to the CoM, the responses to the survey offer an indication of the impact of the current regulatory environment.

Key findings of the report indicate that the estimated amount of planned capital spending in the mining sector of R145-billion could potentially increase by R122-billion (84%) in a more stable and conducive environment.

However, the CoM points out that most of the currently planned investment is the capital required for operations to stay in business, while investment in new mines has halved between 2012 and 2016.

This increased investment would likely result in 48 000 new jobs being created directly in the mining industry. In terms of indirect jobs, 102 000 could be created with an uptick in investment.

Importantly, the CoM report also reveals that, in the current regulatory environment, five companies responded to its survey, indicating that they were not considering any potential new investments. In addition, one company suggested it was contemplating divesting from South Africa – a decision to be taken in 2018 if conditions did not improve.

In compiling the report, the CoM looked at what could happen if the policy, regulatory and governance environment improved substantially, enabling the South African mining industry to return to the top 25% of global mining jurisdictions.

However, uncertainty about the local mining industry’s current policy and regulatory environment has resulted from several major occurrences. These include the unilateral development and release of the reviewed Mining Charter – Mining Charter III – by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). The CoM report also determined that the publication of the DMR’s reviewed Mining Charter would significantly exacerbate the decreasing trend in investment.

Other factors contributing to the decline of attractiveness of investing in South African mines include the lack of finalisation of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act Amendment Bill, the inappropriate use of Section 54 work stoppages and serious allegations of corruption and State capture.

The CoM states that all these major factors have resulted in the malaise of the South African mining industry, causing the current “freeze on investment in new projects”, according to the CoM report.

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