RAPAPORT... UK-based consultancy Levin Sources haslaunched a responsible-sourcing service for small to medium-sized (SME)jewelers. Developed to support SME jewelers inestablishing ethical-sourcing policies and procedures, the new proposition was formallyinaugurated on June 27, to coincide with Micro-, Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises (MSME) Day. The service, which has already beenrolled out to two jewelers and is in the process of being delivered to a third,features a modular learning program, allowing participants to tailor the trainingto their needs. Educators at Levin Sources provide a toolkit of materials -which they customize to participants' requirements - and one-to-one supportfrom a team member. Key topics include guidance on devisingethical policies, establishing responsible-sourcing practices through supplierdue diligence, and preparing for certification. The program also offers amodule on producing customer-facing communications, storytelling and contentdelivery. "Small jewelers need to balance their need with theirambition, their budget and also with the time they have available," explained Fabiana Di Lorenzo, senior manager for responsiblesourcing at Levin Sources. "This is why we've created this flexibleservice...to empower them to work more effectively and efficiently...and to knowbetter how to source responsibly and more affordably, while building more meaningfulrelationships with new or existing suppliers." Currently available to jewelers in the UK, Ireland,continental Europe and the US, and priced from GBP 600 ($754) per module, theconsultancy plans to expand its Responsible Sourcing for Small Jewellers Serviceto other parts of the world. Levin Sources will be presenting a seminar on responsiblesourcing for small jewelers at the upcoming Fair Luxury event, part ofInternational Jewellery London (IJL), on September 3.Image: Fabiana Di Lorenzo. (Magnus Arrevad)