And here it finally is. The brand new 2018 Audi RS5 Coup?(C). When we uploaded the first photos of it, started 4 days ago, it became the most popular car on Instagram, posted all over the place. And here it also is on video.To see unique photos of this car, go to the so popular page. More info about the car & the video below:Car: 2018 Audi RS5 Coup?(C) (450hp/600Nm, 2.9 V6 BiTurbo)Color:Misano red pearl effectPerformance: 0-100kmh 3.67 sec (tested, VBox)Location: Warsaw, PolandFacebook: & lens: Canon Eos 5D Mark IV / 24-70 mmThanks to: Audi PolandMusic: "Suspense" by OlexandrIgnatov