Speaking in front of a crowd of several hundred people in downtown Toronto’s convention centre on Sunday, noted investor Rick Rule sounded a bullish note about mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The central African country has been riven by horrific violence, said Rule, chief executive of Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc., but it holds vast deposits of high-grade copper, cobalt and other minerals.
Still, he acknowledged there are risks.
“What could go wrong? We don’t have enough time” to answer that, Rule told the audience, gathered for the mining conference hosted by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.
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At the same time, many countries with nascent economies, such as the DRC, are rethinking some of the deals that were cut with mining companies when commodity prices were struggling. Now that prices have risen, many are looking for ways to increase their share of the pie.
A copper and cobalt mine the Democratic Republic of Congo.The result is that as metal prices rise, counter-intuitively, mining companies in emerging economy countries may also see their risk profile increase.
But there’s still plenty of exploration going on in such countries.
Don Dudeck, chief executive of Savary Gold, which is exploring in Burkino Faso, said the country recently increased its royalty rate by one per cent, and the government would own 20 per cent of any mine he built.
Still that’s just the cost of business in West Africa, which he described as one of the last places where high grade, high volume deposits that have never been explored, can still be discovered.
“I spent the bulk of my career working in North and South America,” Dudeck said from his investor booth at PDAC. “I can find more here (in Africa), for less.”
Indeed, he pointed to other large companies that are already producing in Burkino Faso, including B2Gold Corp. and Endeavour Mining Corp., as evidence that it’s possible to flourish there.
“Governments are financial opportunists too,” said Mark Child, chief executive of Condor Gold Plc., which is hoping to obtain permits in the next several months for what would be one of the largest mines in Nicaragua.
Child also noted that other mining companies are working in the country, including B2Gold, without incident or changes in the royalty rates.
“There’s always a risk in any frontier market that things will change,” he said, “but so far things haven’t changed.”
Still, David Manley, an economist, said it is not uncommon to see an increase in the friction between mining companies and emerging economy governments tends to increase during a boom cycle.
“We know every time there’s a price boom or a price bust, you see a lot of government’s trying to change taxes either up or down,” said Manley, who works for the London, U.K.-based Natural Resource Governance Institute, a non-governmental organization that advocates for policies to benefit the people living in emerging economy countries.
Many countries negotiated deals with mining companies when commodity prices were low, and they were desperate to attract investment.
But as metal prices rise, the balance of power is changing, and the countries have more leverage to demand deals that bring more money in to their coffers, said Manley.
“The miners just don’t have as much as power as they did,” he said.
That may explain why many mining companies with assets in emerging economies are talking about diversifying their risks.
Centerra Gold Inc. chief executive Scott Perry told the Financial Post in an interview last week that after running into problems in the Kyrgyz Republic, his company is no longer looking at developing mines in emerging economy countries.
Last September, it settled arbitration claims it had filed against the Kyrgyz Republic, where it operates a gold mine. The deal included, among other terms, Centerra paying a $57 million lump sum payment to the country, in exchange for the resolution of environmental claims, and the lifting of a court order which restricted the ability of its subsidiary to transfer cash.
"The market just never ascribes full value to those assets," said Perry.
Now, Perry said he is focused on a project in Turkey, which will constitute only a small part of that country’s overall economy, and projects in Canada as well.
“I just find in general every single stakeholder in this business they all want a larger slice of the pie,” he said.
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