Fundamental Analysis (FA) is a method to identify fundamental (intrinsic) value of the stock. Fundamental analysis is done by collecting financial statement and doing research over data such as revenue, expense, growth prospects etc.The basic objective of the fundamental analysis is knowing everything about business before making an investment. Its emphasis on the business and not on the market. For fundamental analysis, you need to analyze a lot of information like business model, product range, competition, historical performance, future prospects, financials, management integrity etc. An outcome of FA is fair market value of the stock which helps investors in making the investment decision.In nutshell, fundamental analysis is aimed at finding out suitability, value and financial status of business for the investment. How fundamental analysis helps investors?You can find out fair value of the stock by doing FA. After doing FA, you can compare your value with the current market price of the stock to know if the stock is undervalued, overvalued or fairly valued. If the stock is undervalued you can buy the stock. If the stock is overvalued you can sell it.