RAPAPORT... Gem Diamonds has recovered a 135-carat yellow at its Let??engmine in Lesotho, the third significant colored-diamond discovery at the depositthis year. The company retrieved the high-quality, type I stone on June21, three months after the mine yielded a similar quality yellow diamondweighing 134 carats. Those discoveries follow a two-year gap in the recovery ofyellow diamonds weighing more than 100 carats from Let??eng. In June 2017, theminer found a 151.52-carat yellow. Gem Diamonds also unearthed a 13.33-carat pink diamond inFebruary, which it sold to Graff the following month for $8.8 million, or$656,933 per carat. In 2018, the company mined a record 15 stones weighing morethan 100 carats. Image: The 135-carat yellow diamond. (Gem Diamonds)