RAPAPORT... The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and its sisterorganization, the American Gem Society (AGS), have established a scholarship inhonor of the contributions made by Beatrice Shipley. Shipley, the wife of GIA and AGS founder Robert Shipley,provided the emotional, financial and managerial support that enabled bothinstitutes to be created, the GIA said Tuesday. The Beatrice ShipleyScholarship will provide tuition for one AGS member to enter the GIA's on-campusgraduate gemology program. "We are delighted that our two organizations, with ourshared missions of protecting consumers and ensuring their trust in gems andjewelry, continue to work closely together to provide education for the nextgeneration of jewelry professionals," said GIA president and CEO Susan Jacques."Neither AGS nor GIA would exist today if it were not for Beatrice Shipley'scontribution to our founding and success." In addition, the GIA will offer $2 million in scholarshipfunds in 2020. The grants will be available to US andinternational students interested in its gemology and jewelry-manufacturingarts programs, distance-education courses, and lab classes. "Scholarships are an important part of our mission to ensurethe public trust in gems and jewelry, and our goal of educating the nextgeneration of industry professionals," said GIA vice president and chiefacademic officer Duncan Pay. The GIA has awarded more than $10 million in scholarshipssince 2010, funded by the GIA Endowment Fund and private donors. Theapplication period will run from August 1 to September 30. Image: Beatrice Shipley. (Gemological Institute of America)