Gold RESET Breakout on 10 Reasons / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

By Jim_Willie_CB / July 09, 2020 / / Article Link


The entire global financial structure is in theprocess of faltering, breaking, and crumbling. It is better described assabotage by the Globalist cabal in league with their fascist partners. As theentire economy fractures, as all debt faces failure, as most assets break down,as countless households struggle, the King Dollar faces a certain sunset, truesafe haven will be uniformly sought. Correspondingly, the Gold price is readyto launch onward and upward. It will light the fuse on the Silver price insequence. Demand will skyrocket, while supply has been limited. Behold thegreatest fraud and hoax in the history of mankind behind the corona virus. It isnamed after the Queen of England, a primary funding partner. She filed a coronavirus patent in December 2018, from engineered creation. The COVID-19 entity isfar more a fascist project to force political change than actually a virus atall. The disease is a mirage, and exaggerated agent of deep fear and fright.Let it be known that not 5% of the population know what a virus is, how itworks, the method to identify, or the best prevention. Ignorance is a greatally to the global cabal.


Real Rate of Interest is NegativeOfficial interest rate minus true CPI inflation is huge negativeIt has never been at such an extreme negativeSavings earn big negative corrosive interest Staggering Monetary Growth hasRuined MoneyNever has money supply grown so fast in historyThis year’s expansion equals the past two administrationsRefer to US and global basisTrust is Gone along with Prestigefor King DollarLong gone is United States as defender of freedomUS has converted to predator nation since 9/11Global reaction has been to de-Dollarize their systemsWestern Economies are Dependenton Central BanksCentral banks are dispensing staggering relief (stimulus, aid)Economies have been converted to wards of the stateWithout the support, several nations would collapseAll USD-based Bonds and ETFundsare being RedeemedUnited States is calling home all USD-based debt for redemptionExchange Traded Funds contain enormous risk from arbitrageNext could be Emerging Market DebtMining Sector is Stalled withMany ShutdownsPrimary silver producer nations have joined the shutdownsSilver supply is way down, only to open upon higher pricesSouth Africa has shut down some gold minesPrecious Metals supply chain is unofficially on strikeCentral Bank Reserves are Convertingfrom Bonds to GoldDone quietly among many nations, blocking retail supplyUsage of double accounting books commonThey prepare for return to solvency with Gold reservesDigital Currencies are Evolving TowardGold BackingConstruction of usage and rules has taken formGold Trade Note will be embedded in BlockChain structureHard asset backing comes nextChaos is Building on a WorldwideBasisGlobalist fascists promote disorder across entire economiesPrimary protest groups are actually anarchists in actionAll rules are harmful, while vaccination will be lethal Almost All Assets are Turning to WorthlessDrivelEconomic shutdowns have laid waste to numerous capital typesSystemic undermining of asset values by decree (sabotage)


Social Distance rules are intended to facilitatesatellite systems of locating individual persons, using the planned inserted chipID. A vast tracking system is in the planning stages, like human cattle. The rule also limits the benefits for human interaction, such as contact,affection, and social touching. Human people need the social contact. The rulehas nothing to do with safety from public contagion.

Face Mask rules are intended to increaseingestion of microbes (bacteria, viruses) and to reduce oxygen flow to thebrain. Worse, the collection of microbes can facilitate the movement ofdangerous microbes directly to the brain. Also, microbes cannot be dispelledvia standard means, nor from coughing or sneezing. The rule has nothing to dowith preventing infection to neighboring persons. In fact, the mask can beviewed as a fascist Badge of Conformity, or as the Jackass prefers a Badge of Stupidity. Doctors have begun to criticize the mask rule and point to its risks. Manypeople use cotton masks, whose density is 1000 times inadequate for themicron-sized viruses. The rule has nothing to do with safety from public contagion.

Stay at Home rules are intended to inducepeople to quietly miss work, lose income, and die a slow death, while theauthorities wreck the economies on a systemic basis. People not working suffergradual debilitation from inactivity. While stuck at home, they are notdemonstrating against the governors and ministers of health, in objection tocorrupt harmful edicts. People require the public assembly and mixing in orderto benefit from the herd immunity effect. The rule has nothing to do with safetyfrom public contagion.

COVID Data on Major Media Networks is aruse. Back in March and April, the televised data used to feature CORONA CASES.As May and June were entered, the televised data has featured COVID-19 CASES ina subtle switch. Some study easily reveals that the COVID data includes corona,SARS, MERS, pneumonia, and strong influenza, but not the common cold. Therefore,the officials more easily maintain high case counts and high death counts. Theybroadened the data category, without telling the public, a standard Switcharoo.Better yet, call it Bait & Switch. The official data has no bearing onreality of infection, and is used to justify continued shutdown. Standard nastyinfluenza is now used to justify continued economic shutdown and tremendouscapital loss. The official data has nothing to do with a deadly virus. In fact,the death rate is around 0.2% and the total pulmonary virus deaths this yearare less than last year. No pandemic!

Corona Test Method is a horrendous joke.Identification of virus type is extremely difficult, not easily done, and notdone with any cheap inexpensive swab or litmus test. Officials prefer to usethe simple inaccurate methods, which produce huge false positives. The PCRmethod actually works to detect antibodies and antigens which indicate the bodilyattempt to reject virus and defense against the infection and even against toxins. It can be concluded that anyone with any influenza of strong type in the lastthree to five years will have such natural defense antibodies present. Therefore,the current test can be viewed as a test of being standard human. Most peoplewill register a positive corona test outcome, since human, from regularlyfighting microbes of various types. Other PCR methods are used to detectcertain protein fragments with excessive magnification cycles, like 39 to 40cycles, an arbitrary very high number. The fragments, however, are common tonumerous types of virus, not just corona. The test is wholly inadequate andhighly fraudulent. A cynic might state that the disease which the Globalistswish to identify is that of being human, and their cure can be thought of asextermination. The current test does not measure presence of corona, butinstead is much more a measure of being standard human on the healthy defense.

Death Logic is fallacious on its face. Itgoes like this. There must be a pandemic since people are dying, and certainfriends of the family actually died. Therefore it must be corona, since thenews networks repeat on a daily basis the outbreak of virus. Last year, farmore people died of standard harsh influenza than this year. But this year, theofficials call everything corona, including strokes, heart attacks, gunshotwounds, car crashes, drug overdoses, and broken arms. For a death to occur doesnot imply a corona case and event. The logic is laughable, and the officialbribery is obvious. Yet it is more sinister since the doctors are calling thecases corona, and signing death certificates as corona. The logic is empty.These cases are in the great majority actually types of influenza. The typecorona has become the all-inclusive category for official convenience, and forfascist expedience. Lately, the type COVID-19 has become a handy accountingtool to cover a wide variety of influenza while the public remains ignorant andunaware.

The planned corona vaccine by the Globalistcabal will contain exactly zero preventative elements, zero system boosters,since no attenuated virus or fragments will be included. In fact, the coronavirus has yet to be isolated. Corona qualifies as a medical boogeyman to theextreme. Instead, the vaccine will contain a sophisticated serum for enablingcellular invasion, leading potentially to alteration of the human chromosome helix.It will contain the ID2020 chip, useful in tracking the human population. It iswidely expected that the designed globalist vaccine will kill at least one-thirdof humanity. As deaths from vaccine grow in number, the globalist response willbe an urgent redoubling of the vaccination procedures, which would acceleratethe deaths from vaccine.


Invoke the Nuremberg Code to refuse the Globalistcabal vaccine. Sovereign nations must reject the vaccine procedure on thisbasis. More publicity is required to expose the plan and the true nature of thecorona vaccine. The Gates Foundation and Big Pharma are currently being exposedfor nefarious motives and deeds. The Supreme Court in late June ruled that theUSGovt failed to prove the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Their common procedureson extremely vulnerable babies will soon come to an end. The legal immunitygranted to the Big Pharma firms must be revoked and rescinded. Conspiracy tocommit genocide must be demonstrated and prosecuted.


The invisible (exaggerated) enemy is thecorona virus, the microbe of shifting identity and name. The burning of the BundesdagParliament is the wreckage of the Western Economy and the vast undermine ofdebt, blamed on the virus. The Krystalnacht burning of books is the corruption ofscience, managed by Rockefeller and his ilk. The propaganda is heard endlesslyby the dutiful lapdog media. Lastly, the patch is the face mask itself. The sameplaybook worked well in September 2001. It is easier to fool a person than itis to convince him/her of being deceived.


“Jim Willie’s proprietary contacts in highly strategicpositions around the world help him better predict the future with anaccurately as high as 90%. That is astounding! The Hat Trick Letter is mysecret sauce to better understand what is really happening, so I can make betterfinancial decisions during this tumultuous period.”
   (PaulK in Kentucky)

"I have continued my loyal patronage of yourexcellent commentaries not so much because of my total agreement with yourviewpoints, but because you have proven yourself to be correct so often overthe years. When you are wrong, you have publicly admitted it. You are, I supposeby nature, an outspoken and irreverent spokesman for TRUTH against power, whichdifferentiates you from almost all other pundits on world affairs."
   (PaulR in Hawaii)

"For over five years I have been eagerly assimilatingany and all free information (articles, interviews, etc) that Jim Willie putsout there. Just recently I finally took the plunge and became a paidsubscriber. I regret not doing this much sooner, as my expectations were blown awaywith the vast amount of sourced information, analysis tied together, andlogical forecasts contained in each report."
   (JosephM in South Carolina)
"Jim Willie is a gift to our age who is the onlyclear voice sounding the alarm of the extreme financial crisis facing the Westernnations. He has unique skills of unbiased analysis with synthesis of informationfrom his valuable sources. Since 2007, he has made over 17 correct forecastcalls, each at least a year ahead of time. If you read his work or listen tohis interviews, you will see what has been happening, know what to expect, andknow what to do."
   (Charles in New Mexico)

"A Paradigm change is occurring for sure. Yourreports and analysis are historic documents, allowing future generations tohave an accurate account of what and why things went wrong so badly. There isno other written account that strings things along on the timeline, as yourwritings do. I share them with a handful of incredibly influential people whosedecisions are greatly impacted by having the information in the Jackass format.The system is coming apart on such a mega scale that it is difficult to wrapone's head around where all this will end. But then, the universe strives for equilibriumand all will eventually balance out."
   (The Voice, a European gold trader source)

Jim Willie CBis a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holdsa PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires tothrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations ofeconomic credentials. Visit his free newly revamped website to find articlesfrom topflight authors at now has a hyphen in the URL address. For personal questions about subscriptions,contact him at

Use the above link to subscribe to the paid research reports, which include coverage of several smallcap companies positioned to rise during the ongoing panicky attempt to sustain an unsustainable system burdened by numerous imbalances aggravated by global village forces. An historically unprecedented mess has been created by compromised central bankers and inept economic advisors, whose interference has irreversibly altered and damaged the world financial system, urgently pushed after the removed anchor of money to gold. Analysis features Gold, Crude Oil, USDollar, Treasury bonds, and inter-market dynamics with the US Economy and US Federal Reserve monetary policy.

Jim Willie CBis a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holdsa PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires tothrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations ofeconomic credentials. Visit his free website to find articles from topflightauthors at,which includes a Squirrel Mail public email facility.

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