Great Bear drills 1.2 m of 157 g/t Au at Dixie

By Mr. Chris Taylor reports / October 04, 2021 / / Article Link

Mr. Chris Taylor reports


Great Bear Resources Ltd. has released results from its continuing fully financed $45-million 2021 exploration program at its 100-per-cent-owned flagship Dixie project in the Red Lake district of Ontario.

Chris Taylor, president and chief executive officer of Great Bear, said: "Our systematic deep drilling of the LP fault along 1.4 kilometres of strike length has successfully intersected the target geology with gold mineralization in all areas.These results establish significant continuity of both high-grade and bulk-tonnage-style gold over a broad area at depth, which remains open to extension in all directions.The LP fault has no geological analogues in the Red Lake district, with the closest being the Hemlo gold deposit located near Marathon, Ont."

Deep LP fault drilling

Seven new drill holes are representative of deeper LP fault mineralization across a broad area of 1.4 kilometres of strike length between approximately 450 and 750 metres in downhole depth.Deeper drilling will continue along an additional 2.6 kilometres of strike length during the continuing phase 2 program.

The same pattern of high-grade domains surrounded by lower-grade envelopes is observed as had previously been drilled at shallower depths.Results are provided in the associated table.

Highlights include:

These new drill holes are not infill drilling and significantly extend gold mineralization to depth on their respective drill sections.New drill hole BR-385 intersected multiple high-grade gold domains, including 157.00 grams per tonne gold over 1.20 metres from 696.45 to 697.65 metres downhole, within a broader interval of 41.76 g/t gold over 5.15 metres from 696.45 to 701.60 metres:The total mineralized interval using the same calculation criteria applied to the shallow LP fault zone since its discovery (that is, composite intervals cannot include more than three metres assaying less than 0.10 g/t gold) is 6.90 g/t gold over 36.95 metres from 673.25 to 710.20 metres downhole. However, given the greater depths explored by these drill holes, a more relevant interval that excludes peripheral bulk-tonnage-style gold mineralization and may be more representative of any future potential underground development scenarios is 11.01 g/t gold over 22.85 metres from 678.75 to 701.60 metres downhole.New drill hole BR-386 intersected 16.92 g/t gold over 4.90 metres from 525.00 to 529.90 metres downhole, within a broader interval of 2.21 g/t gold over 49.55 metres from 522.45 to 572.00 metres downhole.New drill hole BR-411 intersected 13.84 g/t gold over 3.15 metres from 459.15 to 462.30 metres downhole:BR-411 is significant as it intersects high-grade gold below the gap area of the LP fault and is over 500 metres above the deepest LP fault intercept to date in previously reported drill hole BR-260 (March 29, 2021), which assayed 15.57 g/t gold over 3.05 metres from 942.20 to 945.25 metres downhole. More drilling is required to determine if both intercepts occur along a controlling plunge within the same high-grade gold domain.New drill hole BR-384 intersected multiple mineralized intervals including 50.50 g/t gold over 1.00 metre from 587.50 to 588.50 metres downhole and 6.71 g/t gold over 6.30 metres from 687.50 to 693.80 metres downhole. The total mineralized interval was 3.97 g/t gold over 17.50 metres from 687.50 to 705.00 metres downhole.

Shallow drill results

Seventeen additional drill holes intersected the shallow LP fault along 3.6 kilometres of strike length.Most of these targeted the bulk-tonnage-style envelope adjacent to higher-grade domains for resource delineation purposes.Maiden mineral resource estimate disclosure is planned for Q1 of 2022.

Highlights include:

Eastern LP fault (Viggo area) drill hole BR-379 intersected 1.84 g/t gold over 28.05 metres from 101.35 to 129.40 metres downhole. This included high-grade intervals of 15.90 g/t gold over 1.00 metre from 101.35 to 102.35 metres downhole and 28.70 g/t gold over 0.50 metre from 123.50 to 124.00 metres downhole:This drill hole is significant as it adds bulk-tonnage-style gold mineralization at shallow depths to this area. A steeply plunging area of stronger gold mineralization is currently being defined here (see news release of Aug. 25, 2021).Drill holes characterizing additional shallow bulk-tonnage-style mineralization are summarized inthe associated table and include:BR-425, which intersected 1.09 g/t gold over 80.55 metres from 62.50 to 142.75 metres downhole; BR-441, which intersected 1.08 g/t gold over 30.25 metres from 13.00 to 43.25 metres downhole;BR-443, which intersected 0.55 g/t gold over 66.20 metres from 38.50 to 104.70 metres downhole.

An additional 16 shallow drill holes were collared outside the LP fault zone and targeted areas up to 200 metres away from the zone, which may be incorporated into any future mineral resource estimation or infrastructure development planning.All holes intersected anomalous to low-grade gold mineralization.The most significant intercepts were 0.52 g/t gold over 20.00 metres from 56.50 to 76.50 metres downhole in drill hole BR-435 and 0.55 g/t gold over 26.25 metres from 10.85 to 37.10 metres downhole in drill hole BR-444. Results from this drilling are included in a separate table on the company's website.

Continuing phase 2 LP fault expansion drilling and coming reports:

With the 42 new drill holes contained in this release, Great Bear has reported 446 LP fault drill holes. Including in-progress drill holes, Great Bear has completed 300,000 metres of drilling at the Dixie property to date.Phase 1 drilling consisted of 440 LP fault drill holes and was completed in July, 2021. The program was designed to support mineral resource estimation along approximately four kilometres of strike length to a depth of approximately 450 metres.Phase 2 drilling is designed to expand LP fault gold mineralization between approximately 450 and 900 m depth over approximately four kilometres of strike length.Great Bear will continue phase 2 expansion drilling with the goal of significantly expanding the drill-confirmed extent of gold mineralization at the LP fault by late 2022.Other phase 2 drilling will include regional drilling of new targets and mineral resource definition and expansion drilling of the Dixie Limb and Hinge zones. The company is fully financed for this work.

In addition to regular releases detailing phase 2 drill results, deliverables for 2022 are expected to include: (1) a maiden mineral resource estimate in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 of the LP fault zone phase 1 drilling, (2) a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) of the LP fault zone, and (3) a mineral resource update, which will include deeper drill results from the LP fault, plus maiden mineral resource estimates for the Dixie Limb and Hinge zones. Further details will be provided as results continue to be received and processed.

NEW DEEP LP FAULT DRILL RESULTS ALONG 1.4 KILOMETRES OF STRIKE LENGTHDrill holeFrom To Width* Gold (m)(m)(m)(g/t)BR-411 34.5041.30 6.80 0.30and 152.50 155.50 3.00 1.98and 184.00 221.6037.60 0.34and 238.75 263.3524.60 0.59and 454.60 466.5011.90 3.98and including 459.15 462.30 3.1513.84BR-386435.20 437.20 2.00 5.93and 502.75 516.0013.25 1.46and 522.45 572.0049.55 2.21including 525.00 529.90 4.9016.92and 648.30 651.15 2.85 3.13BR-385598.40 620.7022.30 1.06and including 605.80 606.70 0.90 9.79and 673.25 710.2036.95 6.90including 678.75 701.6022.8511.01and including 696.45 701.60 5.1541.76and including 696.45 697.65 1.20 157.00and including 700.60 701.60 1.0025.00BR-384583.00 594.1011.10 4.74including 587.50 588.50 1.0050.50and 602.00 637.0035.00 0.33and 653.35 716.0062.65 1.42including 687.50 705.0017.50 3.97and including 687.50 693.80 6.30 6.71and including 702.55 705.00 2.45 6.42BR-383392.60 424.3031.70 0.35including 418.80 420.10 1.30 4.26and 509.45 526.0016.55 1.47including 509.45 510.35 0.9014.30and including 525.00 526.00 1.00 9.34BR-280675.00 685.2010.20 0.34and 741.20 755.4014.20 0.22849.85 851.15 1.30 1.98BR-419603.00 644.6041.60 0.59including 634.55 635.20 0.65 8.99and 654.00 656.70 2.70 9.59including 654.65 655.30 0.6532.00BR-430538.85 557.7518.90 1.49including 550.00 554.00 4.00 5.09and 585.00 590.00 5.00 2.33* Represents core length. True mineralization widths range between 65 and 95 per cent of reported intervals as they are determined by both structural analyses obtained from oriented drill core data and orientations of individual high-grade domains and bulk-tonnage domains. Mineralized domains vary in strike between 340 and 270 degrees and dip between 85 and 65 degrees to the north. All drill holes intersect both high-grade and bulk-tonnage domains and often intersect multiple domains resulting in a range of true widths within the same drill hole. SHALLOW DRILL RESULTS ALONG 3.6 KILOMETRES OF STRIKE LENGTH TARGETING THE BULK-TONNAGE MINERALIZED ENVELOPE THAT SURROUNDS THE HIGH-GRADE GOLD DOMAINSDrill holeFromToWidth*Gold (m) (m) (m) (g/t)BR-424278.15286.007.850.58including 279.80280.200.406.80BR-442 31.00 85.65 33.950.40BR-443 38.50104.70 66.200.55including69.90 85.85 15.951.18BR-421385.50456.85 71.350.68including 420.00431.50 11.501.82and including 422.30425.553.253.36BR-440 71.00 95.80 24.800.72including82.30 91.309.001.50and including88.30 91.303.003.06BR-422 60.00 310.40323.60 13.200.60BR-423199.90222.30 22.400.54BR-441 12.25 55.40 43.150.86including13.00 43.25 30.251.08and including22.00 33.00 11.002.22and including29.00 120.10121.101.006.07BR-417 49.00 82.95 33.950.31BR-433 53.60 88.00 34.400.34including75.50 87.00 11.500.55and 168.90206.30 37.400.42including 175.95185.359.401.01BR-432 51.10 76.00 24.900.34and 108.40116.908.501.13BR-431 25.05 75.00 49.950.33including54.20 70.85 16.650.52BR-425 62.20142.75 80.551.09including70.15 78.708.555.86BR-323154.80163.008.200.31176.80197.40 20.600.33including 176.80178.601.801.84BR-378172.50182.009.500.46including 191.00192.001.002.02BR-379 83.20 101.35129.40 28.051.84including 101.35124.00 22.652.22and including 101.35111.309.952.92including 101.35102.351.00 15.90and 123.50124.000.50 28.70* Represents core length. True mineralization widths range between 65 and 95 per cent of reported intervals as they are determined by both structural analyses obtained from oriented drill core data and orientations of individual high-grade domains and bulk-tonnage domains. Mineralized domains vary in strike between 340 and 270 degrees and dip between 85 and 65 degrees to the north. All drill holes intersect both high-grade and bulk-tonnage domains and often intersect multiple domains resulting in a range of true widths within the same drill hole.

All LP fault drill hole highlighted assays plus drill collar locations and orientations can be downloaded at the company's website.

About the Dixie Project

The 100-per-cent-owned flagship Dixie project boasts one of the largest recent gold discoveries in a Canadian mining jurisdiction. Proximal to major infrastructure near the town of Red Lake, Ont., the Dixie property comprises over 91.4 square kilometres of contiguous claims that extend over 22 kilometres with a paved highway and provincial power and natural gas lines. The property also hosts a network of well-maintained logging roads, which facilitate access.

The 23 high-grade domains discussed in this release are structurally and geologically distinctive from the surrounding lower-grade, bulk-tonnage-style gold mineralization. Together, they span a strike length of 4.2 kilometres and occur within larger stratigraphically controlled lower-grade domains. They are characterized by high degrees of strain and/or transposed quartz vein zones following two distinct structural fabrics andtransition from upper green schist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism. Gold in the high-grade domains is generally observed as free gold, is often transposed into and overgrows the dominant structural fabrics, and is higher grade on average than the surrounding bulk-tonnage gold zones.

To date, Great Bear has completed a total of 672 drill holes, identifying three high-grade gold discoveries. The most significant discovery is the large-scale LP fault zone, which comprises high-grade disseminated gold mineralization within broad moderate-to-lower-grade envelopes in felsic volcanic and sediment units. LP fault drilling has identified gold mineralization along 11 kilometres of strike length to date, and a detailed drill grid is being completed along approximately four kilometres of strike length. The nearby Hinge and Limb gold zones are more characteristic of the renowned Red Lake mined deposits, comprising gold-bearing quartz veins and silica-sulphide replacement zones hosted by mafic volcanic units. Over 80 per cent of the company's drill holes into the LP fault, Dixie Limb and Hinge zones contain visible gold mineralization. Gold occurs mainly as free gold, neither bound to nor within sulphide minerals.

Great Bear adheres to industry-leading quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) practices in data collection, analysis and disclosure, and detailed assays including all historical LP fault drill hole data are available on the company's website.

About Great Bear Resources Ltd.

Great Bear Resources is a Vancouver-based gold exploration company focused on advancing its 100-per-cent-owned Dixie project in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. A significant exploration drill program is currently under way to define the mineralization within a large-scale, high-grade disseminated gold discovery made in 2019, the LP fault. Additional exploration drilling is also in progress to expand and infill nearby high-grade gold zones, as well as to test new regional targets. The company is currently in the process of compiling all historical data together with incoming assay results, with the goal of publishing an initial NI 43-101-compliant multimillion-ounce mineral resource estimate for the Dixie project in early 2022.

Quality assurance/quality control and core sampling protocols

Drill core is logged and sampled in a secure core storage facility located in Red Lake, Ont. Core samples from the program are cut in half, using a diamond cutting saw, and are sent to Activation Laboratories in Ontario, an accredited mineral analysis laboratory, for analysis. All samples are analyzed for gold using standard fire assay (AA) techniques. Samples returning over 10.0 grams per tonne gold are analyzed utilizing standard fire assay (gravimetric) methods. Pulps from approximately 5 per cent of the gold-mineralized samples are submitted for check analysis to a second lab. Selected samples are also chosen for duplicate assay from the coarse reject of the original sample. Selected samples with visible gold are also analyzed with a standard one-kilogram metallic screen fire assay. Certified gold reference standards, blanks and field duplicates are routinely inserted into the sample stream as part of Great Bear's quality control/quality assurance program. No quality control/quality assurance issues were noted with the results reported herein.

Qualified persons and National Instrument 43-101 disclosure

R. Bob Singh, PGeo, vice-president, exploration, and Andrea Diakow, PGeo, exploration manager for Great Bear, are the qualified persons as defined by NI 43-101 responsible for the accuracy of technical information contained in this news release.

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