Gerald called the Covid Collapse back on January 28, 2020. Coronavirus was a forgone conclusion. It's a war, the Covid war. The governor of New York has turned into a petty dictator. Another phase of the war. Biden claims, it's patriotic for everyone to wear a mask? It's time to think for yourself. If not, we will follow our leaders to our destruction. Off to the Covid war. History is repeating itself. 99.7% or 99.8% recovery rate. We must unite and fight. We need to set brushfires of freedom. The Great Reset is upon us. Will you just shut up and take it? Insanity bordering on Satanic.
Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is "think for yourself," observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are - not for the way he wants them to be. Gerald Celente has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends.