Here's where mining investors should be placing their bets

By Cecilia Jamasmie / March 01, 2016 / / Article Link

The Canadian province of Saskatchewan has been chosen the most attractive jurisdiction for mining investment in the country, and the second best worldwide, a new study published Tuesday shows.

According to the latest annual global survey of mining executives by the Fraser Institute, the potash and uranium-rich province leads the way for the second consecutive year. The jurisdiction is perceived as having a competitive tax regime, efficient permitting procedures and clarity around land claims.

Saskatchewan is perceived as having a competitive tax regime, efficient permitting procedures and clarity around land claims.

The Fraser Institute's Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2015, rates 109 jurisdictions around the world based on their geologic appeal and the extent to which government policies encourage exploration and investment.

Quebec ranks second in Canada and is the only other Canadian jurisdiction in the top 10 worldwide for overall investment attractiveness. Yukon ranks 12th worldwide, according to the Canada's policy think-tank's rank.

Two of Canada's other large jurisdictions- British Columbia and Ontario - improved in this year's rankings. Internationally, Ontario places 15th (rising eight spots from last year) and B.C. ranks 18th, rising 10 spots.

"While B.C. enjoyed improved perceptions in a number of areas, uncertainty over disputed land claims continue to hurt the province's reputation and likely stunts some of its mining industry potential," said Taylor Jackson, Fraser Institute policy analyst.

As a country, however, Canada is falling out of favour, the study shows, as Australia overtook it as the number one most attractive region in the world for mining investment.

In Latin America, Chile, Peru and Mexico remain the most attractive destinations. While Ireland, Finland and Sweden lead the ranking of attractiveness in Europe.

In Africa, Morocco leads the way, followed closely by Burkina Faso, Ghana, Namibia, Botswana and Eritrea.

In Asia, the top destinations is Kazakhstan, followed closely by China and India, in that order.

Here's where mining investors should be placing their bets onHere's where mining investors should be placing their bets on

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