RAPAPORT... The International Diamond Council (IDC) has elected HRD Antwerpchairman Julien Drybooms as chairman of its board. He has also served on the executive committee of the WorldFederation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and is the owner of diamond companyDrybooms & Zonen. "I am very pleased to take on this important position and Iam honored to have been elected," Drybooms said last week. "The IDC has been inoperation for more than 40 years, and its role is just as important today as ithas ever been." Paul van der Steen, an independent technology expert andconsultant to the Belgian diamond industry, will be vice chairman. The two will head the board, which also includes former IDCpresident Harry Levy, World Diamond Council (WDC) president Stephane Fischler,Rajender Gehani, Dieter Hahn, Christine Heiderich, Peter Hofer, Alan Loewe,Jochen Muller, Udi Sheintal and Meir Wertheim. The IDC was established in 1975 to provide the WFDB and theInternational Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) with standards for terminology,grading rules and working methods in the diamond industry.Image: Julien Drybooms. (International Diamond Council)