RAPAPORT... The Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) will host its first Indian DiamondWeek, featuring 200 to 250 polished-diamond companies, the organization saidMonday. The event, which will take place in April in Mumbai, aims tofoster connections between global buyers and Indian bourse members. While WorldFederation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) members will receive priority, the eventis open to all diamond traders. "Our exhibitors will be offering a wide range ofpolished diamonds in all shapes, sizes and colors," said Anoop Mehta, presidentof the BDB. "Visitors will be able to see a comprehensiverange of goods at the fair. I am certain that even those traders who know theIndian market well will find new sources and come across goods that they didnot previously know were available." Inspired by the success of other diamond-week events around the world, thebourse hopes to draw attention to the Indian diamond market. The bourse willrelease further details in the next few weeks, vice president Mehul Shah said.