Innovyze and Robert Dickinson on Social Media - A Video Guide.This is an introduction to our blog, twitter and video web sites.If you are viewing this channel then best way to see all of the video is click on playlists to the left to see the Playlist category that most interests you.Thanks for visiting and as i say elsewhere you can contact me via emailIf you just want to read you do not need to sign in but if you want to add a discussion or blog then you need to sign in as a Ning user.If you do not want to do either then you can send me an email to or and I will do my best to answer your questions.Thanks for visiting and I hope you found something useful! Read here for reasons you should make a profile.We also have a blogspot blog for SWMM5, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer which has a local and Google Search option so it is easier to find tagged information onSWMM5.NET and the Wordpress Site SWMM5.ORGYou can also see my recent posts on Twitter and the Official Innovyze Blog which also has great information on InfoWorks ICM.