By amir adani / July 21, 2015 / / Article Link

Natural Sound The alleged killer of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has beenremanded in custody for 15 days by a court in Tel Aviv. Police say 27 year-old Yigal Amir has confessed to the killing.His older brother Hagai Amir has also appeared in court, charged in connection with the assassination.Tight security surrounded Tel Aviv's main court for the appearance of the suspected assassin of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.Yigal Amir was hustled into the court surrounded by police and soldiers.Unshaven and handcuffed, the slightly built Amir was brought before Magistrate Dan Arbel.Amir told the judge he killed Rabin to stop the peace process.The 27 year old law and computer science student said Rabin was giving Israel away to the Arabs.Amir was still in the same clothes he was wearing when he was arrested - the black skullcap of Orthodox Jews, jeans and a blue T-shirt. He complained he had not been given a towel, nor a toothbrush and soap.Yigal Amir was remanded into custody for 15 days.The hearing, under tight security, lasted 10 minutes. No spectators were allowed in the courtroom.Even though his family has retained an attorney, Amir told the judge he did not want to be represented by a lawyer.Amir's family has been plunged into a nightmare of publicity since their son's assassination of the Prime Minister.They live in the affluent suburb of Herzliya in Tel Aviv. Crowds have flocked to the house from the moment Amir's identity was revealed.His family have been under intense pressure.Amir's mother made a brief appearance before retreating back into her home.His older brother Hagai Amir also appeared in court in Tel Aviv on Monday.Hagai is accused of failing to prevent a crime. The court ordered that he be held in custody for a week.You can license this story through AP Archive: Find out more about AP Archive:

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