In just the last few weeks, the Fed's purchases of mortgage backed securities (MBS) exploded from an already high $30 billion per month to increase by over $100 billion in only a week!
Rules changes, goal post moving, bailouts, toxic asset purchases by the Fed are creating insane distortions in US home prices with the goal being to keep US home prices going up at any and all cost.
US banks are even starting to offer 80% home equity lines of credit of an appraised home value again like prior to the last housing bubble in the US!
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Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC, to try to help the people of Main Street by teaching them the knowledge, skills, research methods, and investing expertise of Wall Street. You can also find Jason's work at his blog website at