Jekyll Island Series - Eric Sprott: Novo and Garibaldi, & Life Learned Lessons in Resources

By eric sprott / October 24, 2017 / / Article Link

Eric states that there is always the cost of production with commodity investments. If a company increases output by twenty percent, there is always that overhead cost. However, if the price of a commodity rises by twenty percent that could represent a doubling of profits. Therefore commodity price has a much more significant impact on profitability than merely increasing production.As an investor, you want to know what a company will earn so you can determine what your returns are likely to be. If you are too conservative, you may not even make the trade.Eric compares Garibaldi Resources with Voisey's Bay and why he thinks it still has considerable upside.He tends to have a long-term viewpoint on these investments. His understanding of each of these situations is that there is a lot of upside left. If and when the time comes to sell with a position of this size you usually have to find a strategic buyer to take it over.When investing you have to try and discount things quickly and get in as early as possible. It's important to know what an investment will do and look for ones that can massively outperform. You want to be able to read the future today.Mr. Sprott thinks Garibaldi Resources is most likely to go up the furthest the quickest. He says they are a week away from a big news release. He expects Novo Resources to go up the most in the long term.Novo will provide the higher return.

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