RAPAPORT... Joseph Samuel Jr., the former president of jewelry retailerJ. & S.S. DeYoung, died last week at 92. Samuel entered the Boston-based family business to work withhis uncle, Sydney DeYoung, after serving in the US Navy. He helped grow thecompany, which buys and sells fine estate jewels, rare gems and historicalpieces, into an internationally recognized firm, according to his daughter, Janet Levy. During his time in the jewelry industry, Samuel served onthe board of governors of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), waspresident of the Boston Jewelers Club, and was a member of the 24 Karat Club. "Joseph Samuel was an exceptional man who contributed to thedevelopment of the diamond and jewelry industry," said Martin Rapaport, Chairmanof the Rapaport Group. "A key aspect of his personality was the ability tointegrate honesty and integrity into his business dealings. His commitment tosharing his values with like-minded others helped create a community thatformed the foundation of the US jewelry trade. Joseph came from an era when thejewelry business was about much more than money. It was about people and theirshared values. We note his passing as a milestone marking the end of an era.Where are the Joseph Samuels of today?" A memorial service will take place on July 8 at Lynch Park inBeverly, Massachusetts.