JSA endorses health insurance program for jewelry industry

By Ya'akov Almor / September 05, 2019 / www.idexonline.com / Article Link

The Jewelers' Security Alliance has joined with Jewelers of America JA) and the American Gem Society (AGS) to endorse a health insurance program for the jewelry industry sponsored by MJM Global Insurance Brokerage Group (JewelersHealthCare.com). This program is designed to provide cost savings, a simplified enrollment process, flexible benefits and wellness solutions for its member firms. The insurance program is exclusive for JA and AGS members.

John Kennedy, President of JSA, said, "It is very rare for JSA to venture outside the realm of crime prevention. However, JSA has felt the tremendous challenges faced by JSA's 21,500 member businesses in securing quality and affordable health insurance, which can be one of a member's largest business expenses. JSA believes that this program with MJM is the right solution for improving healthcare coverage options for its members, their families and employees."

The program enables an 8-12 percent average healthcare coverage savings, and offers national coverage with every major carrier. In addition to cost savings, the program offers helpful assistance through a Health Advocate benefit, and on-demand, rapid healthcare advice through a Telehealth benefit.

Richard Reiman, VP Employee Benefits at MJM Global Insurance, said, "This partnership between JSA and MJM Global offers a solution to jewelry companies looking for access to competitive insurance rates."

The Jewelers' Security Alliance (JSA) is a non-profit trade association providing crime prevention information and services to the jewelry industry. JSA, founded in 1883, has over 21,000 member locations and works closely with the FBI and law enforcement agencies. Visit JSA at www.jewelerssecurity.org.

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