King Solomon's Mines - 1937 Film starring Paul Robeson

By robert quartermain / November 14, 2017 / / Article Link

King Solomon's Mines is a 1937 British adventure film directed by Robert Stevenson and starring Paul Robeson, Cedric Hardwicke, Anna Lee, John Loder and Roland Young. The first of five film adaptations of the 1885 novel of the same name by Henry Rider Haggard, the film was produced by the Gaumont British Picture Corporation at Lime Grove Studios in Shepherd's Bush. Sets were designed by art director Alfred Junge. Although versions of King Solomon's Mines were released in 1950 and 1985, this film is considered to be the most faithful to the book.In 1882, Irish dream chaser Patrick "Patsy" O'Brien (Arthur Sinclair) and his daughter Kathy (Anna Lee) have failed to strike it rich in the diamond mines of Kimberley, South Africa. They persuade a reluctant Allan Quartermain (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) to give them a lift to the coast in his wagon. Along the way, they encounter another wagon carrying two men in bad shape. Umbopa (Paul Robeson) recovers, but Silvestra (Arthur Goullet) dies after boasting to Quartermain that he has found the way to the fabled mines of Solomon. Patsy finds the dead man's map.Cast:Cedric Hardwicke as Allan Quartermain (not Quatermain, as in the novel)Paul Robeson as UmbopaRead Paul's Bio here: Young as Commander John GoodAnna Lee as Kathy O'BrienJohn Loder as Sir Henry CurtisArthur Sinclair as Patsy O'BrienRobert Adams as TwalaArthur Goullet as Sylvestra GettoEcce Homo Toto as InfadoosMakubalo Hlubi as KapseMjujwa as ScraggaRemember the Cars are also the Stars! Be sure to visit The Automotive Art of Danny Whitfield for a print of America's magnificent classic cars. for watching!

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