Lithium Australia discovers lithium pegmatites at Medcalf

January 01, 1970 / / Article Link

LithiumAustralia NL (ASX:LIT) reports that it has identified lithium pegmatite swarmsat the Medcalf Lithium Project.

Medcalfis located in the southeast part of the Lake Johnson Project in the highlylithium-prospective Yilgarn Block in WA - some 45 kilometres south-east ofLIT's existing Mt Day Lithium Prospect area.

Thelithium pegmatites of the Yilgarn Block are attracting investment from some ofthe world's largest lithium companies. It hosts major lithium deposits at EarlGrey (Kidman Resources and SQM) Mt Marion (NeoMetals, Gangfeng and MineralResources) and Mt Cattlin (Galaxy).

Lake johnson lithium project

Allof these deposits, including Medcalf and Mt Day, have similar geologicalfeatures. The pegmatites emanate from nearby fertile granites and are injectedinto adjacent greenstones.

Aninitial geological reconnaissance programme was conducted after interpretationof aerial photographs last year highlighted the potential for multiplepegmatites. Outcropping pegmatites were identified at Medcalf during subsequentfield inspections in April 2018.

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Recentgeological mapping, and sampling confirmed some of these pegmatites as LCT(lithium, caesium, tantalum) types. Pegmatite swarms containing spodumenemineralisation outcrop in a zone of some 100 metres by 50 metres in area,within a larger area of pegmatites of 250m wide by 500 metres long.

Initialrock-chip samples are prospective with grades ranging from 3.07% lithium oxide(Li2O) up to 4.78% Li2O and one spodumene only specimen sample grading 7.15%Li2O.

Of course, as with all minerals exploration, success is notguaranteed. Consider your own personal circumstances before investing, and seekprofessional financial advice.

Fieldinspection identified a pegmatite swarm centred upon the highest hill in thearea, where at least five pegmatites were located - all contain spodumene. Theprospect area has moderate to low topographic relief and there's potential foradditional pegmatites under cover.

Themain target area contains pegmatites presenting as a dyke swarm comprised ofnumerous pegmatites in a zone about 250m wide and at least 500m long. Theoutcrops of individual pegmatites range from about 2m to 10m in width and 50mto 150m in length.

Thepegmatites appear to dip at moderate to steep angles towards the southwest, andappear to have true-thicknesses of about five metres and are relatively closetogether with only a few metres separating individual pegmatites.

Theimage below provides an example of outcropping pegmatite at the Medcalf Lithiumprospect area. Alignment and layering of spodumene crystals indicatingdirectional growth during formation of the pegmatites are evident in thisoutcrop. The image also shows the location of one of the reconnaissance rockchip samples ?EUR' ME6 ?EUR' which returned an assay of 3.13% Li2O.

Spodumene crystals


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