Lithium Prices Soar As Tesla, Apple And Google Fight For Supply / Commodities / Lithium

By OilPrice_Com / February 23, 2021 / / Article Link


The electric vehicle (EV) revolution isgaining serious momentum.

According to experts’ projections, demand for electric vehicles should rise at a 21.1%Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) until 2026.

The extraordinary demand that is forecast forEVs over the next five years has now begun to trigger a massive disruption inthe global energy markets.

As demand for EVs continues to move higher,the demand for lithium – the critical component needed for the batteries thatpower all those EVs – is also projected to climb higher.

Accordingto Roskill Information Services, “lithiumchemical demand from end-use sectors is expected to increase year-on-year toaround 280,000 tonnes lithium carbonate equivalent.”

These projections have already begun to have aprofound impact on the price of lithium in the marketplace.

Lithiumprices declined from 2018 through the end of 2020, but since December 1, 2020the price of lithium has soared 71.24% -- and could be poised to climb evenhigher.

With rising lithium prices and soaringprojected demand, what is the best high risk / reward way for investors to playthis EV-powered trend for maximum upside potential?

One under-the-radar company, UnitedLithium Corp. (CSE:ULTH; OTC:ULTHF), appears that itcould be at the right place at the right time.

United Lithium’s flagship project is a recently discovered lithiumdeposit located in central Sweden. The company has agreed terms to acquire theproject, with closing expected by April.

This project is a near-surface, near-market, exploration-stage lithiumproperty that appears poised to helpthe company take advantage of Europe’s soaring demand for electric vehicles,and the EU’s strong push for lithium self-sufficiency.

United LithiumCorp.’s Bergby Project: A Near-Surface, High-Grade Deposit Offering SignificantUpside Potential

The Bergby project is a recently discovered lithium-rich pegmatitedeposit in central Sweden that offers an ideal location.

This property is near to the world famous Woxna graphite mine, the newNorthvolt lithium battery gigafactory and close to major mining andtransportation infrastructure, workforce and equipment suppliers.

The Bergby project, if proven up as a commercial deposit, is optimallypositioned to benefit from access to the EU market and its growing  demand for alternative energy vehiclemanufacturing, high tech devices and grid storage systems.

In addition, the project’s proximity to next generation lithium-ionbattery manufacturing plants is critical, as is access to nearby EUeducational institutions and low power costs for processing hard rock lithiumbearing minerals cost-effectively.

The Bergby lithium property should be able to capitalize on three keyelements:

1. Probable lowcost surface and near-surface extraction...

2. Well-establishedmining and transportation infrastructure, and...

3. Rapidfulfillment of trade regulations allowing tariff-free sales to potential EUlithium customers.

But the location of the Bergby lithium project is only part of thestory of its potential.

Historic SamplingShows Extensive Lithium Mineralization

Mapping and sampling of UnitedLithium Corp.’s (CSE:ULTH; OTC:ULTHF) Bergby property site defined anextensive field largely comprising boulders with abundant lithium-bearingminerals.

Assay results from 41 boulders shows Li2O (lithium oxide)values averaged 1.06% within a range from 0.03% to 4.56% Li2O; andTa2O5 (tantalum pentoxide) assays averaged 168ppm,  ranging from 1ppm to 499 ppm Ta2O5.

Further mapping located lithium mineralization in outcrops. Fifteensamples collected from three outcrops returned Li2O values averaging 1.71%, ranging from 0.01% to 4.65% Li2O;and Ta2O5 values averaging 133 ppm within a range from 16 ppm to 803 ppm Ta2O5.

In 2017, the first and only drill program was completed at the  Bergby project.

IN that drillingprogram, 28 of the 33 holes drilled on the property intersected lithiummineralization along approximately 450m strike length.

The deepest holes tested to only 65m below surface with mineralizationis still open along strike in both directions and well as down dip.

Three principal styles of lithium mineralization have been observed in widely -spread boulders andoutcrops at the Bergby property, providing encouragement thatmineralization may be extensively developed.

1. Homogeneous,fine grained to medium grained leucogranite/aplite: Complex zonedboulders where the aplite material appears to intrude coarse grained pegmatite. This style is rich in tantalum, with an average grade from 31 boulders of 208ppm Ta2O5. The lithium mineralogy of this style is not yet confirmed, however,the measured specific gravity of highest-grade samples was relatively light andsuggests petalite is a dominant mineral (LiAlSi4O10).

2. Petalitedominated extremely coarse-grained pegmatite: Located in bothoutcrop and boulders; this style is relatively high in lithium and poor intantalum.

3.Spodumene-bearing, very coarse grained pegmatite: Coarse spodumenecrystals (LiAl(SiO3)2 have been recognized in boulders, with crystals up to 30cm in length.

What’s Next forUnited Lithium Corp.’s Bergby Project

The European Union has sounded the alarm on critical raw materialsshortages, estimating that to meet its climate neutrality goal, it will need upto 18 times more lithium and five times more cobalt in 2030 than currentconsumption.

By 2050, the EU estimates that it will need a staggering 60 times morelithium than current demand.

For this reason, the EU has added lithium to its critical materialslist and launched a multi-billion dollar fund to help speed the production ofraw materials to supply the European battery market.

This means there is potential for significant capital available forprojects such as United Lithium Corp.’s Bergby project as the scope of theproject comes into focus.

Now that a discovery has been made at Bergby, the next task for United Lithium (CSE:ULTH; OTC:ULTHF) is to define theoverall size and grade of the lithium and tantalum resource on the property.

The deposit at Bergby is open along the strike to the north andsouth...and there are additional known pegmatites in the area that have neverbeen tested for lithium mineralization. 

A simpledrill program on the property of another 25 to 40 holes could be hugelyimpactful for the company in a relatively short period of time.

It’s possible that such a modest drilling program – one that thecompany has the financial resources to undertake – could be completed within theyear with the goal of uncovering a discovery of several million tonnes at the property.

ExperiencedManagement Team is Ready to Deliver Results

One of the most important factors in evaluating any explorationcompany is the quality of its management.

In the case of United Lithium (CSE:ULTH; OTC:ULTHF) the company is led by anexperienced  leadership team with  geologic expertise as well as a historyfor  leading successful exploration companies.

This team includes...

MichaelDehn – President, CEO & Director

With over 20 years of experience in the miningindustry, he worked as an exploration geologist and later as a Senior Geologistwith Goldcorp Inc. Michael has been a director and officer of publicly tradedand private junior mining companies.

His expertise lies in grassroots to advancedminerals exploration, and marketing and financing junior companies and Mr. Dehnhas extensive experience in lithium and cobalt exploration and processing.

FaizaanLalani – CFO & Director

Mr. Lalani is an accounting and financeprofessional with over 10 years of experience covering audit, financialreporting, corporate finance, and operations management. Mr. Lalani previouslyworked in the audit and assurance group at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Canada,where he obtained his CPA, CA designation, gaining vast experience inaccounting practices in both the public and private sectors during his tenure.

Mr. Lalani has also served as a SeniorAccountant for PortLiving, a Vancouver based real estate development company,since 2016 and, from 2014 to 2016, Mr. Lalani served as a Senior Accountantwith Century Group, a Vancouver real estate development company. Mr. Lalanicurrently serves as a director and Chief Financial Officer of Soldera MiningCorp., and a director of IMC International Mining Corp.

BottomLine: Why the Future Could Be Bright for United Lithium Corp.

* Demandfor lithium is soaring – and the price of lithium has shot up 71.24% in thelast two months. With the worldwide shift toward electric vehicles in fullswing, the world is desperately seeking to bring new supplies of lithiumonline...and the markets are likely to reward any company that can do sohandsomely.

* UnitedLithium is a company whose primaryasset showing lithium mineralization is in the right place at the right time,as the Bergby project’s location in Sweden is near the new Northvolt lithiumbattery gigafactory and close to transportation infrastructure.

* Drilling at the Bergby project has shown an extensive lithium-mineralized surfaceboulder field. 28 of the 33 holes drilled on the property in a 2017 drillprogram intersected lithium mineralization and the project showed potentialhigh-grade, near-surface lithium potential.

* The company plans to move forward with anadditional drill program in 2021 that could potentially reveal a lithium depositdiscovery on the property. Positive results from this drill program could be atrue game-changer for the company with Europe – and battery companies – sodesperate to bring new lithium sources on line as quickly as possible.

You can find more information on United Lithium Corp. here: (CSE:ULTH; OTC:ULTHF)

By. Jody Wilson

The technical information presented in this article has beenreviewed and approved by Robert W. Schafer QP, PGeo, as defined by NI 43-101


Forward-Looking Statements

This article contains forward-looking information which issubject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that couldcause actual events or results to differ from those projected in theforward-looking statements.  Forwardlooking statements in this article include that demand for lithium willincrease in future as currently expected; United Lithium’s business and plans,including with respect to undertaking further acquisitions, completing theacquisition of Bergby, acquiring additional mineral claims nearby Bergby,complying with the terms of the Bergby acquisition and carrying out explorationactivities in respect of its mineral projects; that most of the lithium isreachable close to surface; that they can reduce costs compared to many similarprojects; that ULC can produce a PEA by Q3 2021; and that they can raise $4Mquickly. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks anduncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results todiffer materially from those projected in the forward-looking information.  Risks that could change or prevent thesestatements from coming to fruition include that the Company may not be able tofinance its intended drilling programs, aspects or all of the property’sdevelopment may not be successful, their methods of mining of the lithium maynot be cost effective; the risks that the acquisition does not complete as contemplated,or at all; that United Lithium does not complete any further acquisitions; thatthey do not acquire the additional mineral claims in the region of the Projectprior to March 21, 2021; that United Lithium does not spend $1,000,000 onexploration work on the Project within 18 months from the Closing Date; theCompany may not be able to carry out its business plans as expected; changingcosts for mining and processing; permits may not be granted for the miningprojects; increased capital costs; the timing and content of upcoming workprograms; geological interpretations and technological results based onhistorical or even current data that may change with more detailed informationor testing; potential mineral recoveries assumptions based on limited test workwith further test work may not be viable; competitors may offer cheaperlithium; more production of lithium could reduce its price, or the price maydrop for other reasons; alternatives could be found for lithium in batterytechnology; the availability of  labour,equipment and markets for the products produced; and despite the currentexpected viability of its projects, that the minerals cannot be economicallymined on its properties. The forward-looking information contained herein isgiven as of the date hereof and the writer assumes no responsibility to updateor revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except asrequired by law.


PAID ADVERTISEMENT. This communication is a paidadvertisement and is not a recommendation to buy or sell, Medtronics Ltd, and their owners, managers, employees, andassigns (collectively “the Company”) has been paid by United Lithium ninetythousand US dollars for this article and certain banner ads. In addition UnitedLithium has granted the Company stock options to acquire shares exercisable for2 years at at price of $0.86 per share.This compensation is a major conflictwith our ability to be unbiased. This communication is for entertainmentpurposes only. Never invest purely based on our communication.

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