RAPAPORT... The London Diamond Bourse (LDB) has appointed three newmembers - including a millennial - to its board, the exchange said last week. Kathy Chappell, the LDB's special adviser for ethicalissues, has joined the board, as has Charles Silverton, managing director ofSilverton Diamonds. They are joined by David Troostwyk, director of polished-diamondcompany Salotro. Troostwyk also established the first online diamond exchange,the LDB said. "These are the most fundamental changes to LDB's governancein my six years at LDB," said Victoria McKay, the exchange's chief operatingofficer, noting that the youngest board member was a millennial. "Overall, theaverage age of our board has lowered dramatically, and representation aroundthe boardroom table is proportionate to membership statistics." Additionally, Daniel Seller, the board's former executiveofficer, has become vice president, alongside Alan Cohen, whom the bourse namedas president earlier this month. Trevor Sigsworth has taken over as executiveofficer.Image: Mastermelt Group