RAPAPORT... Gemfields Group has suffered further unrest at itsemerald-exploration operation in Ethiopia, with looters vandalizing the siteand stealing gemstones, the miner said Wednesday. The perpetrators gained access to the sorting house onTuesday and broke into the safe, stealing the emeralds inside it. They alsotook equipment and instruments, and ransacked the residential camp belonging toWeb Gemstone Mining (WGM), the Gemfields subsidiary that owns the license tothe project. Additionally, a "significant" number of firearm-bearingillegal miners and handlers have penetrated the location, Gemfields added. Police arrived on the scene and attempted to stop theseactivities, but became overwhelmed and abandoned the site, the companycontinued. No Gemfields employees were hurt. Several perpetrators sustainedinjuries while breaking into the sorting house, a construction comprising 40-footshipping containers. In June, a 300- to 500-person mob overran the site, resultingin injuries to two company employees. Gemfields believes the mob was spurred bya faction seeking a portion of WGM's license. WGM continues to work with local and national authorities inan attempt to prevent further attacks.