MIF September 28-29, 2018 in Vancouver: John Kaiser, Founder of Kaiser Research Online - "Adapting to a New Reality for Resource Juniors".________________________________________________________________Presentation Summary:We have descended back into a junior resource sector bear market made worse by competition for risk capital by a cannabis bubble that is now expanding itself in anticipation of legalization in the USA after 2020. Higher metal prices from super-cycle dynamics involving India are a decade down the road. Gold should be developing an uptrend in light of America's strategic shift from soft to hard power which cannot have a happy end, but until gold does, resource juniors are on their own building fundamental value through exploration results that work with the prices we have. Be wary of price manipulations facilitated by tight share structures rigged up by the cabals. Most just end up in rollbacks. Focus on juniors which offer fundamental value and liquidity that allows independent thinkers to participate at will. Look for stories that have innate bubble potential.____________________________________________________________The companies presenting at the Metals Investor Forum are as vetted as it gets - they have already cleared the high hurdle of earning the coverage from the newsletter writers' as companies with excellent management teams, great financials and promising properties. All newsletter writers' stress that the first quality on that list - excellent management - is essential to the success of a junior mining company. The problem is that it's hard to assess management without being able to look them in the eye and ask the questions that matter to you. The Metals Investor Forum gives you that time.Subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on the latest insights moving the metals markets. For more breaking news, visit https://metalsinvestorforum.comFollow us on social media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/metalsinvestorfLinkedIn - https://ca.linkedin.com/company/metal...Don't forget to sign up for Metals Investor Forum's Video Library:https://www.metalsinvestorforum.com/v...Stay connected by subscribing to Metals Investor Forum's Newsletter: https://www.metalsinvestorforum.com/n...