"I am getting prepared for a freezing of the global economy, in which case there will be a period of time where credit cards don't work...they're going to be scrambling, trying to figure out what to do. Massive currency creation is the only thing they can do and that eventually ends in hyperinflation..."
Michael Maloney is a precious metals investment expert and historian. He is the founder and owner of GoldSilver.com, a global leader in gold and silver sales/storage and one of the world's most highly regarded investment education companies. He is author of the highest selling precious metals investment book of all time, Rich Dad's Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver. In addition, Mr. Maloney has been a precious metals investor advisor to "Rich Dad" founder Robert Kiyosaki. A student of economics, Mike is regarded as an expert on economic cycles and capitalizing on the opportunities they afford.