Quality emerges at Galan's blue-chip lithium address
SPONSOREDThe US$5.5 billion project will extend the life of the 100-year old mine for many decades and see it produce 140,000 tonnes of copper a year following a seven-year transition from openpit operations.
"Chuquicamata is not just another project, it is unique. Its complexity and magnitude have no equal in the Chilean market; there has never been a project with this scope," said VP projects Gerhard Von Borries.
Quality emerges at Galan's blue-chip lithium address
SPONSOREDHaving taken 15 years since the first engineering works were completed, Chuqui underground has seen the development of three levels underneath the openpit to a depth of 989m below the pit floor, with some 142km of tunnels built.
The pit is some 5km long and 3km wide, and produced 320,744t of copper in 2018.