Nick the Mining Book Guy Shares His Approach to Mining Stock Investing

By @MiningBookGuy / September 30, 2017 / / Article Link

In this interview, Bill Powers speaks with "Nick the Mining Book Guy" as he is known on Twitter, YouTube and the mining stock chat forum CEO.CA.Nick's gained an online following through sharing his insights regarding companies he is investing in, books he's read on investing and through his passionate engagement regarding all things mining stocks on CEO.CA.Nick is a retail mining stock investor who truly models the passion and due diligence necessary to be successful in mining stock investing. Nick's passion and insights regarding mining stock investing was recently recognized when he was invited to the prestigious, invitation-only Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit in Colorado held this past September 18-20.In this interview, Nick shares his thoughts regarding this conference he attended as well as discusses his approach to mining stock investing. 0:05 Introduction of topic and guest1:02 How Mining Book Guy began mining stock investing7:08 Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit review 10:47 Nick shares 3 potential investment ideas from Beaver Creek14:50 Why Nick likes lesser-know, maybe riskier, jurisdictions17:28 Nick's profile of an ideal junior mining company21:39 How Nick allots his investments among explorers, producers, and majors23:25 When & how much do you sell when your stock rises?25:15 Recommended action steps for new mining stock investorsLink mentioned in the interview for educational resources from Sprott Global: up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock profiles and investment ideas: content found on is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product.It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible.It may contain errors and offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented.If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional.Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on or our videos.We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites.The information you find on is to be used at your own risk.By reading, you agree to hold, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.

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