RAPAPORT... Nilesh Sheth has been reelected as president of the IndianDiamond & Colorstone Association (IDCA), the organization said Wednesday. Sheth, who is president of Nice Diamonds, was voted in unanimouslyat the New York election on December 12. Members elected Sujan Doshi from S.A. Diamonds as vice president to succeed Rakesh Barmecha. The board's executive committee will also include Real Gems'Shekhar Shah as secretary. Shiksha Naheta from Empresa Jewels, who last yearbecame the IDCA board's first female representative, will be joint secretary. RajeevPandya of Ashi Diamonds was reelected treasurer. IDCA members also reelected the following directors: Shrenil Bhansali of Fairway Diamonds Shailesh Jhalani of Prompt Gem ImptrsHaridas Kotahwala of Royal India USAPrakash Mehta of InteringsMehul Shah of Shivani Gems The following people were newly elected as directors: Nitin Jobanputra of Sanghvi DiamondsShailesh Lakhi of Sparkles & Colors USAPrashant Mehta of Dia Expressions Image: Nilesh Sheth