No Agenda Here: Copper SMASHES Silver Investment Demand According To LME Poll

By is heavily slanted against the white metal: / October 30, 2017 / / Article Link

Monday Humor: Silver has been money just as long as gold, but silver investment appeal falls behind gold, palladium, platinum and now even copper?

Leave it to the London Metals Exchange to conduct a conference "poll" that the WGC is quick to call out:

If they had to invest all of their wealth into one metal, 45% of the crowd at #LMEweek would choose gold

- World Gold Council (@GOLDCOUNCIL) October 30, 2017

Interesting to note, copper only ranks third as far as base metal potential, but 2nd for investment potential?

Although when more than 40 percent of the conference is made up of banks, brokers and "news" providers, it is easy to see how one this survey, if the integrity of the data is to be trusted, is heavily slanted against the white metal:

LME Week is the annual gathering of the global metals community, and the Metals Seminar is the flagship event that kick starts the week. The seminar agenda covers all aspects of the ever-changing market including the global economy, market trends, and issues facing the metals industry today. It always features high-profile speakers,interactive panel discussions, and has an international audience of over 500 - growing year on year.

1.3 Who attends? A 2016 snapshot:Financial participants - banks and brokers: 21.77%News / data / analysis providers: 19.81%Physical market participants - mining and production: 18.61%Physical market participants - other: 10.13%Financial participants - other services: 5.70%Trade associations / regulatory bodies: 4.73%Physical market participants - end users: 4.18%Financial participants - prop traders / fund managers / private equity: 3.42%Technology providers / ISVs: 3.29%Other: 8.36%

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