Vertex Mining Corp."Significantly De-Risked"?EUR? Strong Financial Partners?EUR? Pilot production de-risked mining process?EUR? Robust economics @ 48% IRR (after tax)?EUR? Production slated for Q4 2017?EUR? Excellent infrastructure and workforce nearby?EUR? Resource Expansion - Exploration Upside - M&AGREENSTONE RESOURCES LP?EUR? Private equity fund specializing in the mining and metals sector?EUR? Over 80 years' of collective industry experience?EUR? Provides financial strength and technical support, which can be leveraged to add significant valueADVANTAGES OF GREENSTONE'S US$20M STRATEGIC INVESTMENT?EUR? Immediately strengthens Northern Vertex's balance sheet;?EUR? Expedites the construction schedule?EUR? Provides working capital buffer to ramp up commercial production?EUR? Leverage from a strong balance sheet, production cash flow, and financial partnerships;?EUR? Strengthens NEE's ability to add Gold Oz or Production ("US GOLD CONSOLIDATION) and become a MID-TIER GOLD PRODUCER Northern Vertex Mining Corp."Significantly De-Risked"?EUR? Strong Financial Partners?EUR? Pilot production de-risked mining process?EUR? Robust economics @ 48% IRR (after tax)?EUR? First gold pour scheduled for Q4 2017?EUR? Additional Value Drivers...?EUR? Increased Production; Mine Life Extension; ResourceExpansion via Exploration; M&A"US$5M Non-Brokered Private Placement Underway"Disclosure: Jeb Handwerger owns securities in Northern Vertex and the company is a website advertiser which means Jeb has been compensated and has a conflict of interest.This contains forward looking statements which may not come to fruition.This is not investment advice and not a solicitation to buy or sell anything.This is purely an advertisement.