Orestone Mining (TSXV: ORS) is staking an additional Cu-Au porphyry target at its Captain property in north-central British Columbia, Canada.
In a press release, the company revealed that the new Cu-Au porphyry target, called Max, is located 7 kilometres northwest of its main East Admiral Au-Cu porphyry target.
"The Max Extension claims cover 2,834 hectares and cover a phyllic altered felsic intrusive with disseminated chalcopyrite exposed along a forestry logging access road. The new Max target has marked similarities to the East Admiral zone lying at the junction of a NW and NE faults- associated with a MMI Cu-Au geochemical anomaly and quartz-sericite alteration characteristic of the outer zone of a Cu-Au porphyry. The Max claims lie along a NW trending linear fault and linear magnetic high extending from the East Admiral Cu-Au zone," the media brief reads.
With this addition, the Captain project now covers 72 square kilometres. Official information states that the site hosts a large gold/copper porphyry system with multiple targets located 41 kilometers north of Fort St. James and approximately 30 kilometers south of the Mt. Milligan copper-gold mine owned by Centerra Gold.
Orestone said it that as the year progresses, its team on the field plans to carry out follow-up soil and rock geochemical sampling to define drill targets at its flagship project.