ArcherExploration Limited (ASX:AXE) has today informed the market of 'outstanding'results from recent metallurgical test work conducted on a composite drillsample sourced from the its 100% owned Jamieson Tank Manganese Project in SouthAustralia.
The test work undertakenby an independent laboratory has confirmed that manganese from AXE's JamiesonTank project can make electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) - a criticalcomponent used in the manufacture of cathodes for lithium-ion, alkali and otherbatteries.
The metallurgicaltest work involved leaching of the manganese from the old drill sample providedby AXE, and purification to remove iron, cobalt, nickel and other potentiallydeleterious elements, followed by the 'precipitation of the electrolyticmanganese dioxide onto graphite cathode and titanium anodes'.
In brief, thework showed that the Jamieson Tank manganese was capable of making an EMD productwith a manganese content that meets the standard required for alkaline andlithium-ion batteries - which is over 92%.
The JamiesonTank project, located within two kilometres of the proposed Sugarloaf GraphiteProcessing Facility, is spread between two tenements owned by AXE - CarappeeHill (the site of the proposed Sugarloaf Graphite Processing Facility) andWaddikee.
The CarappeeHill portion was initially drilled by Archer in 2008 with follow up drillingunder a joint venture between AXE and the manganese miner and processer OMHoldings Limited (ASX:OMH). The below image was taken when AXE was undertakingdrilling at Jamieson Tank in 2008:
Get the latest articles straight to your inboxkeep me postedA further11,000 metres of drilling was completed by Monax and OMH at Jamieson Tank, andAXE is in the process of finalising a maiden manganese Exploration Target.
It should be noted thatAXE is an early stage play and anything can happen, so seek professionalfinancial advice if considering this stock for your portfolio.
ExecutiveChairman, Greg English commented on today's news, "It is very exciting that ourmanganese at Jamieson Tank has been independently shown to be suitable in theproduction of high grade manganese EMD, with its high value applications inemerging and established battery technologies.
"This isconsistent with our expanding exploration portfolio focus on advanced materialsand reliable energy storage technologies. The Jamieson Tank Manganese Projectcomplements our nearby Campoona graphite and graphene project with its grantedmining tenements, and our other manganese and cobalt exploration prospects atKetchowla and North Broken Hill. We look forward to updating the market onfurther developments over the coming weeks."