Thayer Lindsley Award for international mineral discoveriesThe Ivanhoe Mines Kamoa Discovery Team is the recipient of this year's Thayer Lindsley Award for international mineral discoveries. The team is receiving the award for discovery of the Kamoa Copper Deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The deposit is located in the Central African Copperbelt on the western edge of the Katangan basin, approximately 25 km west of the Kolwezi district. The deposit is a new and blind grassroots discovery in an area previously written off by other explorers because of its lack of Mines Series rocks, as well as of surface mineralization. A 2013 independent mineral resource estimate ranked Kamoa as Africa's largest high-grade copper discovery and the world's largest, undeveloped high-grade copper discovery. The Kamoa Discovery Team was led by Dr. David Broughton, Executive Vice President of Exploration at Ivanhoe Mines, and Thomas Rogers, Director of Exploration, African Mining Consultants. In addition, the team included David Edwards, Geology Manager, Kamoa Project, Ivanhoe Mines; Dr. Douglas Haynes, Director, Douglas Haynes Discovery Pty. Ltd.; Dr. Ross McGowan, formerly of African Mining Consultants and currently CEO, Armada Exploration Ltd.; and Steven McMullan, P. Geo., Site Manager at Ivanhoe Mines' Kipushi Project, and Principal Geoscientist, African Mining Consultants.