Artemis all set thanks to unique approach
SPONSOREDCopper production across the company's portfolio amounted to 173,000 tonnes, down 2.8% versus Q3 but 5% ahead of the 164,000t forecast by Canadian investment bank BMO. Metallic Silver production of about 12Moz was 20% above BMO's estimates.
However copper sales were 17% lower than BMO expected, which the KGHM put down "the schedule of deliveries agreed with customers of copper cathodes".
Artemis all set thanks to unique approach
SPONSOREDHowever, recent difficulties at the company's core Polish operations (KGHM experienced a protracted and sometimes troubled smelter/refinery revamp) meant BMO remained cautious on the company meeting its production target for 2020.
"Given recent challenges, we have been a little cautious of KGHM meeting lofty 2020 guidance; continued strong delivery may cause us to reconsider," BMO analyst Edward Sterck said in a note.