Popular News

Let's Review 50 Years of Dire Climate Forecasts and What Actually Happened

February 18, 2021 / marketsanity.com

Here are 21 headlines from various news sources regarding dire climate predictions over the last 50 years. Many of the predictions are outrageously funny.Continue...Read More

Bill Gates Bankrolling Educational Organization That Says Math is Racist

February 19, 2021 / marketsanity.com

Pathway group says minorities getting answers wrong is because of "white supremacy."Continue...Read More

Alasdair Macleod: No Gold Or Silver Available In Size In London Or Zurich Switzerland

February 20, 2021 / marketsanity.com

Continue...Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs FinanceAndEconomics.org, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More

Warren Buffet's Indicator Corroborates Market at "Perilous Peak"

February 15, 2021 / marketsanity.com

At February 11, 2021, the "Buffet Indicator", created by legendary investor Warren Buffet, indicated that the US stock market was "Strongly Overvalued". Continue...Read More

Damascus Says Biden Is Setting Up New Bases On Sovereign Syrian Territory

February 19, 2021 / marketsanity.com

Within the first few weeks of the Biden administration a handful of viral stories alleged there had been an immediate uptick in US Continue...Read More

German Study: Laboratory Accident Most Likely Cause Of Coronavirus Pandemic

February 18, 2021 / marketsanity.com

"Both the number and quality of the circumstantial evidence point to a laboratory accident at the virological institute in the city of Wuhan as the cause of the current pandemic."Continue...Read More

Russia could become first country to make entire currency digital

February 18, 2021 / marketsanity.com

Talks are well underway about the launch of the digital ruble with local banks and the country's financial watchdog has said it would present a more detailed concept by summer.Continue...Read More

Silver could be the poster child for the new commodity bull supercycle - Wells Fargo

February 16, 2021 / marketsanity.com

"We're at a point where we really aren't opening up any more mines," he said. "It is Continue...Read More

Gold Is the Ultimate Reserve Asset / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 20, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Peter Krauth, editor of Gold Resource Investor, delves into the movement among some companies to hold Bitcoin and gold rather than cash.Imagine your favorite company getting sued for holding too much cash.I know, that's a big statement. But hear me out.Corporations, pension funds and insurance companies—anyone responsible to stakeholders—could one day face class action lawsuits if they...Read More

Could Silver "Do a Palladium"? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 19, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Palladium was manipulated for years. It had the largest short position relative to itssize, while physical demand rose inversely to decreasing supply.In 2018, demand became so large that itoverwhelmed the shorts.Physical palladium could not meet the market'sneeds and prices exploded. Shorts eventually decreased their positions untilthey got to a more sustainable level.For many years, the platinum/...Read More

Here's What's Eating Away at Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 19, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Gold is dodging bullets, as it comesincreasingly under fire from rising U.S. interest rates and a USD that ispoised to surge.Catching unsuspecting traders in yetanother bulltrap , gold’s early-week strength quickly faded. And with investorsunwilling to vouch for the yellow metal for more than a few days, therush-to-exit mentality highlights a short-term vexation that’s unlikely tosubsi...Read More

The Commodity Cycle / Commodities / Commodities Trading

February 18, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Commodity prices have remained in a prolonged downward trend since the price peak in mid-2008. Driven lower by a firming U.S. dollar (DXY) beginning in 2008-2011 and continuing until the present, the S&P GSCI Commodity Index has declined by about 80 percent over the last 13 years.The recent rally in the S&P GSCI Commodity Index (GTX) in 2020 appears to be a reaction to the DXY price weakne...Read More

Silver Backwardation and Other Evidence of a Silver Supply Squeeze / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 18, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Theeffort to squeezesilver shorts may appear to have fizzled, but naked short sellersare as vulnerable as ever.Silverfutures prices are entering backwardation. That is a bad omen for anyonebetting on lower silver prices.Backwardationhappens very rarely, but this condition has been a reliable indicator thathigher prices are on the way each time it has occurred over the past decade.Inthe futures mar...Read More

Silver Prices Are About to Explode as Stars are Lining up Like Never Before! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 18, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

2020 was a stellar year for the precious metals, indeed one for the books. As the pandemic hit the global economies early in the year and governments around the world began to shut everything down and the printing machines began to print ginormous amounts of money out of thin air to save their economies from total collapse, gold jumped 24%, while silver jumped nearly 50%, over double that of gold....Read More

Cannabis, Alternative Agra, Mushrooms, and Cryptos - Everything ALT is HOT / Commodities / Cannabis

February 18, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

The recent rally in Marijuana and Alternative Pharma/Agriculture stocks has been impressive, to say the least.  One thing we have to remember about this sector is that it rallied to highs in 2018 and 2019, then fell out of favor for many months.  The anticipation of this new sector emerging within the US, and across many areas of the globe, prompted quite a bit of excitement after 2016 w...Read More

The Gold & Gold Stock Corrections Are Normal / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 17, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Corrections in Gold and Gold Stocks are completely normal in an inflationary macro market phaseSee also The Normalcy of Gold posted on February 16.Every week I notice the agony ratcheting up incrementally. While the rest of the casino takes off to the speculative heavens, gold sits on its heavy ass and the gold miners go nowhere in a downward-biased perma-correction. Or so it seems. It’s all...Read More

Gold / Silver: What This "Large Non-Confirmation" May Mean / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 16, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

When a trend is strong, related markets tend to move in unison.However, when a trend is near exhaustion -- either bullish or bearish, "non-confirmations" often occur. This is when one market continues to rise (or fall), but a related market does not.As a case in point, the Feb. 3 U.S. Short Term Update, an Elliott Wave International thrice weekly publication which provides near-term forecasts for...Read More

Major Optimism for Platinum, Silver, and Copper / Commodities / Metals & Mining

February 16, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Attention in the metals markets shifted this week fromsilver to copper and platinum. While big moves in silver and gold prices maybe coming down the road, the monetary metals are currently taking a back seatto electrical and automotive metals.A massive push by the Biden administration to replacegasoline vehicles with electric vehicles is helping to crank up demand forcopper. Anything involving ele...Read More

Will Tesla Charge Gold With Energy? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021

February 15, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

Tesla has supported the price of Bitcoin, but it can affect gold as well.The bull market in cryptocurrencies continues. As you can see in the chart below, the price of Bitcoin has recently increased to almost $47,000 (as of February 10). The parabolic rise seems to be disturbing, as such quick rallies often end abruptly. However, it’s worth noting that the price of Bitcoin has partially jump...Read More

Morgan Stanley Warns Gasoline Industry Is About to Become Totally Worthless / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

February 15, 2021 / marketoracle.co.uk

The average energy investor is by now well aware of the sector's monumental shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Coal-powered power plants have been shuttering at an alarming clip as the price of electricity from natural gas and renewables undercuts them while wind and solar generation continue to gain the ascendancy.But nowhere has this change been as dramatic as the transport industry, w...Read More

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