Turkish steel scrap prices continued to rise on news of another cargo from the US on Monday February 22, which also led to a knock-on increase in finished steel and billet prices, sources told Fastmarkets. A steel producer in the northern Turkey booked a US cargo, comprising shredded at $440 per tonne and bonus at $445 per tonne cfr on Saturday February 20. The cargo composition has not yet been s...Read More
Where does the silver price go from here? "We're in the process of a short squeeze right now, even though it's not showing up in the price," Vince Lanci shares with DanielaCambone. "There are serious shorts in the silver market. This is not done."Vince Lanci is Managing Partner at Echobay Partners LLC. Vince founded Echobay after a profitable career running CiS Options and Berard Capital. The firm...Read More
Famed hedge fund investor Michael Burry puts out a serious warning for increased inflation and perhaps hyperinflation.If he's right, kiss low interest rates goodbye. And think what that will do to real estate values.The next few years are going to be extremely difficult.Watch the 10 year Treasury. If it keeps going up it's game over.Even in the absence of runaway inflation, this seems like the top...Read More
Martin Armstrong answers your questions. Have a question to ask? Email us at [email protected]Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics - a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possibl...Read More
We use the volatility of Bitcoin to our advantage, says Ronni Stoeferle, managing partner for Vienna-based Incrementum. "The price is going up because the price is going up" is how he sums up the rapid rally of the crypto. He explains that Bitcoin north of $50,000 is a prime example of the "Crack-Up Boom" theory, formulated by Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. "It seems that people are losing c...Read More
In 2012, dude offered to buy my book for 1.5 bitcoin, a "Monetary Revolution" that "doubled in 4 months." I'd just need to hype bitcoin on my site. That's still how it works. And big highly leveraged players have jumped in.Wolf Richter is the founder of Wolf Street Corp and the publisher of WolfStreet.com. Wolf has over twenty years of C-level operations experience, including turnarounds and a VC-...Read More
**Interview originally recorded on Feb 10th, 2021**During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Dave about the stock market mania with SPACs, unprofitable technology stocks and newbies who know little to nothing about stocks bragging on social media about making easy trading profits trading call options. Dave also points out how things are even worse in junk bonds than in stocks. Jason also asks D...Read More
"What we're seeing is something very simple: the market mood has changed," Mohamed El-Erian, economic advisor at Allianz and Gramercy and president at Queens College, Cambridge, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" Monday. "It's no longer whether yields are going higher, but when is the move too big? That's what the market is trying to figure out."Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a m...Read More
??'? Do you have a macro or investing question ??'^ that you'd like to ask George directly? If so, tune in this Sunday, February 21st, at 6 Pm EST for a live stream Q&A session! How The LIVE STREAM Q&A worksGeorge starts off by answering questions from the comments section.Got a question about gold? Buying a house? The next recession? The Fed? His investment strategies? Or maybe his favorite band?...Read More
Is the paper silver market starting to unravel?The longer you've followed silver, the longer you've known that at some point the price was going to have to move higher. And probably by a lot. At this point, this is by far the most intense I have ever seen the situation in the 12 years I've been following the silver market. And fortunately, for this Sunday's open in the far east, I have an All-Star...Read More
Last week Texas experienced a cold snap that resulted in serious statewide damage, death, and destruction. The collapse of the state's energy grid left millions of Texans in the dark and freezing for days at a time. Tragically, at least 30 people died.There are many reasons why Texas became like a Third World country, and we should be careful not to pin all the blame on just one factor. But it see...Read More
Since a national government doesn't have money of its own, we taxpayers and savers are now the greater fool.Continue...Read More
This has been a nightmare because it is political. The only way to get back to normal is to throw all politicians out of office who Continue...Read More
And I do mean "hate", as in "want you dead."After all I've yet to hear of a murderer who loved or even liked the people he or she killed.Continue...Read More
In comments made on Monday morning, Fed Chair Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen set the stage for several exciting new initiatives, including a higher corporate Continue...Read More
"The Supreme Court has now proclaimed that no one is above the law. Trump will, for the first time, have to take responsibility for his own dirty deeds."Continue...Read More
Yes. We are in a stock market bubble. The only question is, what will be the issue that eventually pops it? We Continue...Read More
New research published last week shows high levels of pollution for subway riders, with the worst air quality coming from places like New York and New Jersey, according to The Guardian. Continue...Read More
In this video Steve Penny breaks down what an "invisible crash" looks like. Basically, this is when governments use hyperinflation to continually raise asset prices, so that people do not notice that the currency is collapsing. This has happened throughout history, and we're beginning to see this more often, as countries are printing their currencies into a total economic crash. Steve says that Go...Read More
Platinum and silver have fundamental tailwinds from both rising inflation and improving economic conditions that will propel these metals to grow faster than gold in 2021, said Bill Baruch, president of Blue Line Futures.0:00?EUR< - Higher yields and market reaction5:33?EUR<- U.S. dollar8:49?EUR< - Yield curve10:19?EUR< - Gold11:25?EUR< - Platinum12:51?EUR< - Oil Read More