RAPAPORT PRESS RELEASE, March 7, 2018, LasVegas... The Rapaport Group has released a Chinese version of Rapaport Academy'spopular online course - Fundamentals of Diamond Trading. In response to increasing demand fromChinese diamond trading professionals looking to increase their skills andbetter understand the global industry, the course was released in SimplifiedChinese at the Hong Kong March Show.The Fundamentals of Diamond Trading course isalready helping hundreds of diamond professionals boost their industry knowledge.Fundamentals of Diamond Trading featuresindustry experts who provide insight into the entire diamond industry, includingdiamond pricing, industry trends and trading tips. The Chinese version will alsoallow non-English speaking Chinese students to learn best practices forinternational diamond trading and better understand diamond trading terminology. The online platform accommodates for people'sbusy schedules allowing them to complete the course at their own pace from anylocation and device. Additional information isavailable at learn.rapaportacademy.com/Chinese. Rapaport Media Contacts: sophia.cheung@diamonds.netH.K.: Sophia Cheung +852 2805 2620; U.S.: Sherri Hendricks+1-702-893-9400; International: Avital Engelberg +1-718-521-4976; India: Prashant Bhojani +91-2266286510Aboutthe Rapaport Group: The Rapaport Group is a globalprovider of added value services that support the development of ethical,transparent, competitive and efficient diamond and jewelry markets. Establishedin 1978, the Rapaport Price List is the primary source of diamond price andmarket information. Group activities include Rapaport Information Services,Rapaport Magazine, and Diamonds.net, providing research, analysis and news;RapNet - the world's largest diamond trading network; Rapaport LaboratoryServices provides GIA gemological services in India, Belgium and Israel; andRapaport Trading and Auction Services specializing in recycled diamonds andjewelry. The Group supports over 20,000 clients in 121 countries and hasoffices in New York, Las Vegas, Antwerp, Ramat Gan, Mumbai, Surat, Dubai andHong Kong. Additional information is available at www.Diamonds.net.