RAPAPORT... The future of US manufacturing is the focus of RapaportMagazine's November cover feature, with interviewees from across theindustry lending their views on the matter. US companies are increasingly sending work to overseasmanufacturers for cost reasons. Reversing that trend requires a multi-prongedapproach, jewelers say. "Bringing manufacturing back to the United States ispossible, but to see substantial growth in this sector, there must be a360-degree approach, from government to businesses to consumers," says VictoriaTse, founder and CEO of jewelry design house VTse in Pasadena, California. The US jewelry sector has consistently downsized over thepast six years, according to data from the Jewelers Board of Trade. Domesticproduction is in decline, and will continue to fall through 2022, according toa December 2017 report from IBISWorld. The cover feature looks at whether and how the nation cansave its jewelry-manufacturing sector. It also addresses the challenges ofproducing "Made in the USA" products, and what impact the US-China tariff war mighthave. The November issue of Rapaport Magazine isavailable here.