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Brien Lundin, Gold Newsletter - Conference Re-cap, Review of Metals Industry | Stock News Now

November 20, 2017 /

In this Wall Street View, our host spoke with Brien Lundin, Publisher of the Gold Newsletter and Host of the New Orleans Investment Conference, at the New Orleans Investment Conference 2017.Gold Newsletter: Orleans Investment Conference: NOW to Stock News Now: videos are added alm...Read More

The Real Reason the Media Pushes “Sexual Liberation”

November 20, 2017 /

Individual freedom terrifies those in power. But it is an innate desire that cannot be suppressed. Therefore the media attempts to replace the drive for personal liberation with sexual liberation.It is a carnal animalistic type of “freedom” that those in power want you to focus on. They promote a temporary feeling, a fleeting pleasure. Individual freedom is about building your future....Read More

The Real Reason the Media Pushes “Sexual Liberation”

November 20, 2017 /

Individual freedom terrifies those in power. But it is an innate desire that cannot be suppressed. Therefore the media attempts to replace the drive for personal liberation with sexual liberation.It is a carnal animalistic type of “freedom” that those in power want you to focus on. They promote a temporary feeling, a fleeting pleasure. Individual freedom is about building your future....Read More

Rick Rule interviews Lukas Lundin on what sets the Lundin Group apart from competitors

November 20, 2017 /

Lukas Lundin, Chairman of the Lundin Group of Companies, talks with Rick Rule about how the Lundin family has become so successful over the years. Learn more about the Lundin Group of Companies on their website: you want to learn more about the Market One Minute and how your company can reach millions of investors on BNN, please visit the Market One Minut...Read More

"Chicho" Gerardo del Lago en la Hora de la Verdad | V?(C)rtigo 2003

November 20, 2017 /

M??s contenido de Canal 13 en: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: More

FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS (?????+???????? ???) How to identify multi baggers?/ GROWTH SHARES?

November 20, 2017 /

DISCLAIMER: ALL the videos in this channel are for education and information purpose only. All the viewers are advised to consult an advisor before making an investment decision. The author will not be responsible for any action taken by the viewers basing on these videos.FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS is important a parameterfor identifying the strength of a shareRead More


November 20, 2017 /

As many parts of the (so-called) developed world enter second lockdowns, and people line up for miles in their cars seeking food handouts in Texas, the less developed nations are busily discovering Cvoid-19 treatments that actually work. Really well. They work in an outpatient setting, in mild, moderate and severe cases of Covids-19. They work prophylactically. As always, I present the studies for...Read More

Doug Casey: Is Anywhere Safe From the Coming Storm?

November 20, 2017 /

Between the Greater Depression and lock-down restrictions, many places will become more and more inhospitable. In today's episode, Doug Casey goes country by country and explains where he thinks one might best ride out the storm. Doug Casey is an American-born libertarian economist and advocate of the free market. He is a bestselling financial author, international investor, entrepreneur, and the...Read More

Gary Shilling: Too Much Euphoria - NEGATIVE 30% CRASH WOULDN'T SURPRISE ME!

November 20, 2017 /

Gary Shilling is president of A. Gary Shilling & Co., a New Jersey consultancy, a Registered Investment Advisor and author of "The Age of Deleveraging: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation." Some portfolios he manages invest in currencies and commodities.Lior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and runs numerous successf...Read More

Lynette Zang: The Collapse of the Global Pyramid Ponzi Scheme

November 20, 2017 /

Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has been a banker, a stock broker and studied world currencies since 1987. She believes strongly that we need to be as independent as possible and at the same time, we need to com...Read More

The Best Sectors for Your Money Right Now | Frank Holmes

November 20, 2017 /

Airline stocks have jumped on the news of vaccine hopes, so could this be one of the best sectors to be in today? In his interview with our Daniela Cambone, U.S. Global Investors CEO Frank Holmes talks about the decimated airline sector- and whether the stay-at-home stocks are still a good bet with prospects of a vaccine.Frank Holmes is the CEO and chief investment officer of U.S. Global Investors...Read More

Jordan Roy-Byrne: How to Buy an Overbought Stock

November 20, 2017 /

In this commentary, I discuss how to buy an overbought stock. There are several things to consider before buying. When buying, it is best to buy in tranches.Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT is a Chartered Market Technician and member of the Market Technicians Association.. He is the publisher and editor of TheDailyGold Premium, a publication which emphasizes market timing and stock selection for the sophisti...Read More

Mike Maloney: Gold & Silver Mining Stocks - What % Are They Of My Portfolio?

November 20, 2017 /

Mike Maloney revealed recently that he has re-entered the world of mining stocks via several 'private placement' deals. We've had many questions asking what percentage of Mike's portfolio is in these mining stocks, join him in today's video with Jeff Clark to find out.Michael Maloney is a precious metals investment expert and historian. He is the founder and owner of, a global leade...Read More

Blow-Off Period: Ending With A Disaster - Jim Rogers

November 20, 2017 /

TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW:-Lead up to financial disasters.-History is repeating itself in the U.S. once again.-15 Asian nations signed a free trade agreement.-Bye bye America, the rest of the world is moving on.Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973, helping to steer the fund to a 4200% return before "retiring" at age 37. He is considered to be one of the greatest investor...Read More

Feds Propose Even More Surveillance of Your Banking Habits

November 20, 2017 /

By lowering the "travel rule" threshold to $250, the government could access more of our financial data.Continue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: The Agenda of Bill Gates and George Soros is Global Communism

November 20, 2017 /

Soros and Gates are behind this Agenda 2030. They represent a major threat to the world. I finished this book on the Cycle of War last May. The publisher said theyContinue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Can Trump Win in the House?

November 20, 2017 /

The strategy of Trump is actually to deny Joe Biden getting 270 votes. This is why he is challenging in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, and Arizona. Stopping Biden from gettingContinue...Read More

China used secret microwave pulse weapon to 'cook Indian soldiers alive'

November 20, 2017 /

This was the first known use of microwave weapons on a battlefield. Continue...Read More

Trump orders Pentagon to pull 2,500 troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, thousands of troops will remain

November 20, 2017 /

Trump's decision "is based on continuous engagement with his national security Cabinet for the past several months, including ongoing discussions with me and my colleagues across the United States government."Continue...Read More

Dave Kranzler discusses the economy, gold/silver miners and bitcoin

November 20, 2017 /

Dave Kranzler spent many years working in various Wall Street jobs. After business school, he primarily traded junk bonds for a large bank. Dave graduated from Oberlin College with majors in Economics and English and he also has an MBA from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. Currently, he co-manages a precious metals and mining stock investment fund in Denve...Read More

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