For the egregious crime of being in the right lane at the wrong time, a driver was pulled over in Lowndes County, Georgia. Thanks to the heroic efforts of one Georgia State Police dog, and his faithful officer, a major threat to the people of Georgia is off the streets.The responding police dog, Brutus, made a major bust. The vehicle was transporting $36,000 of cash; an imminent danger to Georgian...Read More
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Click each headline to read the full article.1. Google Plays Favorites and Arbitrarily Bans Content From ResultsGoogle used to base its search algorithms on what the user wanted to see. Now they are starting to interject their own ideas about what people should see. In April Google announcedthat they would be taking measures to punish "low quality content" such as misleading information, offensive...Read More
Click each headline to read the full article.1. Google Plays Favorites and Arbitrarily Bans Content From ResultsGoogle used to base its search algorithms on what the user wanted to see. Now they are starting to interject their own ideas about what people should see. In April Google announcedthat they would be taking measures to punish "low quality content" such as misleading information, offensive...Read More
Good food plus interesting people is a recipe for happiness.As humans evolved, we lived in tight knit self-sufficient communities. Nomadic hunter gatherers spent their time foraging, hunting, eating, and playing together.It’s tempting to romanticize those days, but they came with some pretty harsh realities. As stressful and lonely as the modern world can be, countless technological benef...Read More
Mike "Mish" Shedlock a registered investment advisor, representative for Sitka Pacific Capital Management and he operates one of the most popular websites about the economy and investing online: MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis.Read More
Good food plus interesting people is a recipe for happiness.As humans evolved, we lived in tight knit self-sufficient communities. Nomadic hunter gatherers spent their time foraging, hunting, eating, and playing together.It’s tempting to romanticize those days, but they came with some pretty harsh realities. As stressful and lonely as the modern world can be, countless technological benef...Read More
What do I do? Full-time independent stock market analyst and researcher:https://sven-carlin-research-platform...Check the comparative stock list table on my Stock market research platform under curriculum preview!I am also a book author:Modern Value Investing book: about me and some written reports at the Sven Carlin blog: https://svencarlin.comStock market for modern va...Read More
Wolf Richter is the founder of Wolf Street Corp and the publisher of Wolf has over twenty years of C-level operations experience, including turnarounds and a VC-funded startup. He has a BA, MA, and MBA (UT at Austin). In his prior life, he worked in Texas and Oklahoma, including a decade as General Manager and COO of a large Ford dealership and its subsidiaries. Read More
Ed Steer is the founder of Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Digest and a director at More
How could The Daily Bell be so clueless and naive about autonomous vehicles? A lot of you pointed out in the comments of a recent article called 5 Huge Benefits of Self Driving Cars, that the government and their media are in favor of anything that takes control away from the individual.You raised a lot of good points. Among them was a strong theme that since we know the government spies on us, se...Read More
Eric Coffin reveals some of his favorite low-priced mine exploration companies he thinks have the potential to explode to much higher price levels.Read More
How could The Daily Bell be so clueless and naive about autonomous vehicles? A lot of you pointed out in the comments of a recent article called 5 Huge Benefits of Self Driving Cars, that the government and their media are in favor of anything that takes control away from the individual.You raised a lot of good points. Among them was a strong theme that since we know the government spies on us, se...Read More
Palisade Research August 2, 2017 Category: Research As expected, Mexican Gold's maiden resource was a barnburner. One million ounces is nothing to yawn at, especially since it only encompasses two of seven known zones. Thus, it is very simple to conclude that MEX is still cheap. But, by how much?There are several transactional comps that can be applied to Mexican Gold's intrinsic valuation; the...Read More
Palisade Research August 2, 2017 Category: Research As expected, Mexican Gold's maiden resource was a barnburner. One million ounces is nothing to yawn at, especially since it only encompasses two of seven known zones. Thus, it is very simple to conclude that MEX is still cheap. But, by how much?There are several transactional comps that can be applied to Mexican Gold's intrinsic valuation; the...Read More
Location of drill hole WAT-17-443. (Credit: Denison Mines)SASKATCHEWAN - Toronto's Denison Mines has made a new high grade discovery at the Waterbury Lake joint venture in the eastern part of the Athabasca Basin, adjacent to the Midwest property. Denison owns approximately 64% of the project and Korea Waterbury Uranium LP 36%.The new mineralization was intersected in basement rocks by the first ho...Read More
I don’t know why the media has to come up with stupid terms for everything. Reading about sustainable living, every time I see the word “lifecycling” I feel like I am hearing nails on a chalkboard. Everything has to be trendy and new, so apparently, the word recycle is out. Now recycling is a lifestyle.Lifecycling takes recycling to the next level; it's a philosophy that embraces...Read More
I don’t know why the media has to come up with stupid terms for everything. Reading about sustainable living, every time I see the word “lifecycling” I feel like I am hearing nails on a chalkboard. Everything has to be trendy and new, so apparently, the word recycle is out. Now recycling is a lifestyle.Lifecycling takes recycling to the next level; it's a philosophy that embraces...Read More