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Myanmar Wanbao: A new dawn for the Chinese copper miner

April 20, 2016 /

As Myanmar makes history by electing its first civilian president Htin Kyaw, after 50 years of military rule, we examine a story that helped shape Myanmar's relationship with its neighbours and the world. "A New Dawn" is an unprecedented film that comes at a historic time in Myanmar's history.Myanmar Wanbao was forced to stop construction in 2012 due to local opposition to the copper project...Read More

Juncker Admits EU Interferes Too Much, Provides No Plan For Change

April 20, 2016 /

EU Has Meddled Too Much, Admits Boss Juncker ... More The European Union meddles too much in people’s lives, according to its most senior official. In a significant admission, Jean-Claude Juncker said a lot of the laws made in Brussels should have been left to national governments. As a result the EU has lost popularity with ordinary people because they feel it over-regulates, the Euro...Read More

Gordon Brown Proposes an Int. Children’s Court – How About Shutting Down British Wars First?

April 20, 2016 /

Proposed world children’s court would punish abuses, slavery ... An international court should be set up to punish those responsible for child labor and other forms of abuse against children, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the United Nations on Monday. - Thomson Reuters FoundationGlobalism proceeds apace. Last week Western leaders took aim at financial privacy and suggested...Read More

Juncker Admits EU Interferes Too Much, Provides No Plan For Change

April 20, 2016 /

EU Has Meddled Too Much, Admits Boss Juncker ... More The European Union meddles too much in people’s lives, according to its most senior official. In a significant admission, Jean-Claude Juncker said a lot of the laws made in Brussels should have been left to national governments. As a result the EU has lost popularity with ordinary people because they feel it over-regulates, the Euro...Read More

Gordon Brown Proposes an Int. Children’s Court – How About Shutting Down British Wars First?

April 20, 2016 /

Proposed world children’s court would punish abuses, slavery ... An international court should be set up to punish those responsible for child labor and other forms of abuse against children, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the United Nations on Monday. - Thomson Reuters FoundationGlobalism proceeds apace. Last week Western leaders took aim at financial privacy and suggested...Read More

Trekyards EP140 - Excelsior Class (Part 1)

April 20, 2016 /

Part 1 of a 2 part Excelsior Mission Briefing today guys!First introduced in Star Trek III - The Search for Spock, this ship quickly became a fan favorite, and we take our first look at it for you all today.Don't forget about our Patreon page: More

The UNFAIRNESS Economy (Matt Taibbi & Chris Martenson)

April 20, 2016 /

Award-winning investigative journalist Matt Taibbi penned perhaps the most iconic condemnation of the bankers who created (and subsequently got bailed out during) the Great Financial Crisis:"The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its bl...Read More

Paul Craig Roberts: Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Economic Corruption, Bill Gates, COVID-19

April 20, 2016 /

Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and was noted as a co-founder of Reaganomics. Dr. Roberts is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on...Read More

Harry Dent: Sell Your Real Estate & Stocks Now

April 20, 2016 /

Back in September, economist Harry Dent predicted that 2020 would bring a huge market crash. Now, he says, the coronavirus proved to be the perfect "trigger" to bring America's unstable financial system to its knees. Dent advises Americans to sell non-strategic real estate immediately and to sell all stocks. He says unemployment will reach close to numbers seen during the peak of the Great Depress...Read More

Max Keiser & Steven McClurg: The Fed Can't Print a Supply Chain

April 20, 2016 /

Max interviews Steven McClurg of Exponential Capital about the 'no limits' to the Fed's money printing to fight the 'deflationary trap.' They also note that central banks cannot print agricultural products or supply chains and what the future holds if distribution networks are not back up and running to full capacity soon. Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film-maker. He hosts Keiser Repor...Read More

NJ Gov. Phil Murphy tells Tucker Carlson he doesn't care about the Bill of Rights or Constitution

April 20, 2016 /

"How do you have the authority to order something that so clearly contravenes the Bill of Rights of the United States - the U.S. Constitution - where do you get the authority to do that?"Continue...Read More

Danielle Park: Historically, Pandemics Lead to Deflation

April 20, 2016 /

Portfolio Manager, attorney, finance author, a regular guest on North American media. Danielle Park is the author of the best selling myth-busting book "Juggling Dynamite: An insider's wisdom on money management, markets and wealth that lasts," as well as a popular daily financial blog: Danielle worked as an attorney until 1997 when she was recruited to work for an intern...Read More

Gold, silver coin crunch is not getting better - Peter Hug

April 20, 2016 /

Bullion investors shouldn't expect to see a drop in premiums anytime soon as the supply crunch for gold and silver coins continues to grow, this according to Peter Hug, global trading director for Kitco Metals. However, in some good news for investors, Hug said that investors holding bullion have a little more selling power, in the current environment. "Dealers will pay up for physical material so...Read More

Armstrong: The destruction to the economy is condemning society to poverty

April 20, 2016 /

This is so irrational that it is hard to even speculate. From working with governments for over 40 years, I have come to understand that no politician will ever act for the future. Their incentive isContinue...Read More

Harvard will receive $8.7 million in federal aid despite having a $40 billion endowment

April 20, 2016 /

"Harvard University will receive nearly $9 million in aid from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, the Department of Education announced last week."Continue...Read More

Last 4 Weeks Erase All Jobs Created Since The Great Recession

April 20, 2016 /

However, what is most disturbing is that in the last four weeks, more Americans have filed for unemployment than jobs gained during the last decade since the end of the Great Recession... Continue...Read More

Canadian Meat Industry Warns Of "Immediate And Drastic" Impact To Supply

April 20, 2016 /

"This single facility represents just over one-third of Canada's total processing capability, so the impacts to the Canadian beef industry are expected to be immediate and drastic."Continue...Read More

Alasdair Macleod: The looming precious metal derivative crisis

April 20, 2016 /

This article explains the dynamics behind the current crisis in precious metal derivatives, and why it is the observable part of a wider Continue...Read More

COMEX Bombshell - Most eligible vaulted gold has nothing to do with COMEX

April 20, 2016 /

In the midst of the ongoing fractures in the paper gold markets that have triggered bullion bank panic from London to New York, forcing Continue...Read More

A new era of inflation? | Jim Grant interview

April 20, 2016 /

James "Jim" Grant is an American writer and publisher and the founder of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, a twice-monthly journal of the financial markets. He is the author , most recently, of The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. Grant's television appearances include "60 Minutes," "The Charlie Rose Show," Bloomberg TV, CNBC and other well-known financial news sources. His j...Read More

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