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Conglomerates are now few and far between

May 26, 2015 /

Conglomerates often get a bad rap for being a jack of all trades. But for investors seeking diversification, these multi-sector stocks can be just the ticket. That's the word from Edward Gardiner, a regular contributor to Investor's Digest of Canada and author of the book It Pays to Read the Boring Stuff: What the Ordinary Investor Needs to Know. And he says that rather than go out and buy a range...Read More

Back Door Worse Than No Door

May 25, 2015 /

A collection of tech industry giants like Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft, as well as civil liberties organizations and Internet security experts, sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday warning of the unintended consequences of any policy meant to weaken the encryption technologies that protect Internet communications.The White House has been weighing whether to mandate that companies u...Read More

Back Door Worse Than No Door

May 25, 2015 /

A collection of tech industry giants like Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft, as well as civil liberties organizations and Internet security experts, sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday warning of the unintended consequences of any policy meant to weaken the encryption technologies that protect Internet communications.The White House has been weighing whether to mandate that companies u...Read More

Charles Poliquin Interview Pt 2/5: On Haters, Steroids, & Lance Armstrong

May 24, 2015 /

UP Personal Training Founder Nick Mitchell interviews iconic Strength Coach, Teacher of countless Personal Trainers, the "Strength Sensei" Charles Poliquin ( is the second of a five part interview, and in this interview we discuss how Poliquin deals with internet haters, do steroids make a champion, and Lance Armstrong..For the sake of being above board and clear, Ni...Read More

American Gestapo

May 22, 2015 /

It was a lifetime ambition for 22-year-old Joseph Rivers to arrive in Los Angeles and become a big name in the music business.And he nearly made it…until a team of DEA agents put a stop to everything by snatching his life savings without even charging him with a crime.The aspiring businessman from the outskirts of Detroit had managed to scrape together $16,000 and was finally on the train to...Read More

American Gestapo

May 22, 2015 /

It was a lifetime ambition for 22-year-old Joseph Rivers to arrive in Los Angeles and become a big name in the music business.And he nearly made it…until a team of DEA agents put a stop to everything by snatching his life savings without even charging him with a crime.The aspiring businessman from the outskirts of Detroit had managed to scrape together $16,000 and was finally on the train to...Read More

Texas Only Pretends to Be Conservative

May 21, 2015 /

Last year, a city in North Texas banned fracking. State lawmakers want to make sure that never happens again.On Monday, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law that prohibits bans of hydraulic fracturing altogether and makes it much harder for municipal and county governments to control where oil and gas wells can be drilled. Similar efforts are cropping up in states including New Mexico, Ohio, C...Read More

Texas Only Pretends to Be Conservative

May 21, 2015 /

Last year, a city in North Texas banned fracking. State lawmakers want to make sure that never happens again.On Monday, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law that prohibits bans of hydraulic fracturing altogether and makes it much harder for municipal and county governments to control where oil and gas wells can be drilled. Similar efforts are cropping up in states including New Mexico, Ohio, C...Read More

Louis CK explains origin of N Word to Patrice O'Neal - Subscribe @OpieRadio podcast

May 21, 2015 /

SUBSCRIBE to the OpieRadio podcast wherever you get your podcasts: the Opie and Anthony vault. The great Patrice O'Neal explains the origin of the word like. Louis CK in turn explains the origin of the N Word.Stream any episode of the OpieRadio podcast here:http://www.opieradio.comTwitter - @OpieRadioInstagram - @OpieRadioRead More

Emilio Salazar WWE TOUGH ENOUGH Submission

May 21, 2015 /

This is my video submission for the WWE Tough Enough competition. Please like and share to make my dream become a reality! Thanky you!Read More

9 analysts rate gold stock Agnico Eagle a buy

May 21, 2015 /

Credit Suisse analyst Anita Soni rates gold company stock Agnico Eagle Mines as likely to "outperform" its peers and she has set a 12-month price target on this top gold stock of $38USD a share. Eight other analysts surveyed by Investor's Digest of Canada also rate Agnico Eagle as a buy amongst the best gold stocks to invest in.Ammar Al-Joundi has spent the last 16 years shuttling between jobs at...Read More

Eric Coffin and Gwen Preston Discuss Their Top Picks

May 20, 2015 /

Meet Eric Coffin and Gwen Prestonat the Metals Investor Forum - http://metalsinvestorforum2015.eventb...Eric Coffin, editor of HRA Advisory, and Gwen Preston, editor of Resource Maven, discuss their top picks. They also invite viewers to their upcoming event, the Metals Investor Forum 2015 - http://metalsinvestorforum2015.eventb...The Metals Investor Forum 2015 will be held in Vancouver on May 30t...Read More

Charles R Poliquin on iNutritionPro - CleanHealth

May 20, 2015 /

Revolutionary nutritional programming software from CleanHealthRead More

David Stockman on Lockdowns and the Economy

May 20, 2015 /

David Stockman, director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, joins The Tom Woods Show for a discussion of the wisdom (or otherwise) of the response to COVID-19, and what the economic ramifications are.David Stockman is a former Republican congressman from Michigan and was President Reagan's budget director from 1981 to 1985. After leaving the White House, Stockman became a...Read More

Michael Pento: Stagflation is Coming

May 20, 2015 /

?>>?Michael Pento is a specialist in Austrian economics and is the President of Pento Portfolio Strategies. Prior to starting Pento Portfolio Strategies he served as a senior economist and VP of the managed products division of another well known financial firm. Michael has also created ETFs and UITs that were sold throughout Wall Street. Earlier in his career, he worked on the floor of the NYSE....Read More

Eric Sprott discusses the global economy, precious metals, and the mining shares

May 20, 2015 /

Eric Sprott has more than 40 years of experience in the investment industry. In 1981, he founded Sprott Securities (now called Cormark Securities Inc.), which today is one of Canada's largest independently owned securities firms. In 2001, Eric established Sprott Asset Management Inc. Over the years, Eric has personally been the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including one of Investor Dig...Read More

Nomi Prins: How the Big Banks Got the Sweetest Deal From the Covid-19 Bailouts

May 20, 2015 /

Nomi covers the Fed, Wall Street and the recent bailouts.Nomi Prins is an American author, journalist, and Senior Fellow at Demos. She has worked as a managing director at Goldman-Sachs and as a Senior Managing Director at Bear Stearns, as well as having worked as a senior strategist at Lehman Brothers and analyst at the Chase Manhattan Bank. Prins is known for her books All the Presidents' Banker...Read More

Ron Paul: Market Distortions, Inflation, Currency Manipulation (Part 2/2)

May 20, 2015 /

For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HEREJason continues his conversation with former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. The two finish up their talk by looking at why the government thinks they're the best option for many aspects in our lives, what would happen if the government got out of the way and prices reverted to normal (rather than the distorted view we're getting today), and why we shouldn't expec...Read More

Harley Schlanger: People Pushing Chinagate Are Same People That Sold Us Russiagate

May 20, 2015 /

"This was an absolutely fraudulent, fabricated story...This was an effort to prevent Trump from working with Putin."Harley Schlanger's work can be found at More

Martin Armstrong: It's Time to Investigate Journalists for Inside Trading

May 20, 2015 /

Any journalist who also sold out all his stock while writing on this issue NEEDS to be investigated! The press is fulfilling the very same role they did to create the Communist Revolution - a favorite tool of Lenin.Continue...Read More

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