Should you buy organic food? Is it just a status symbol, or is it really better for us? Is it really better for the environment? What about organic produce grown thousands of miles from our kitchens, in countries like India? Is organic better than local? A lot of consumers who would like to do the right thing for their health and the environment are asking such questions. "India's Organic...Read More
'Plunge protection' behind market's sudden recovery … Mysterious forces were trying their best, but they couldn't keep the stock market from swooning Wednesday. They failed in the morning, despite massive purchases of stock index futures contracts. Within minutes of the market's opening, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 350 points. Later in the day – after...Read More
Should you buy organic food? Is it just a status symbol, or is it really better for us? Is it really better for the environment? What about organic produce grown thousands of miles from our kitchens, in countries like India? Is organic better than local? A lot of consumers who would like to do the right thing for their health and the environment are asking such questions. "India's Organic...Read More
Dr. Joel Fuhrman speaks on health. More
When it comes to running a tight ship, you'd be hard-pressed to ask for a better precious metals miner than Yamana Gold Inc. (YRI-TSX).For starters, it remains in the lowest quartile of the industry cost curve, notes Anita Soni, a mining analyst with Credit Suisse in Toronto.Moreover, Yamana obviously knows where to allocate its resources, given that in its most recent quarter, 85 per cent of its...Read More
Zombie Ideas That Keep on Losing … The worst of today's political malfeasance is being driven by failed ideologies. Zombie ideas that refuse to die have become enshrined in our collective intellectual legacy. The people behind these have been insulated from the economic costs they impose. Blame the billionaires. – BloombergDominant Social Theme: There are so many bad memes. Why do...Read More
Uruguay's roll-out of marijuana experiment faces election risk … Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production and sale of marijuana and its ground-breaking experiment could be dropped or watered down if an opposition candidate wins this month's presidential election. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: Cannabis legalization is too complex to work. The state has a nea...Read More
Zombie Ideas That Keep on Losing … The worst of today's political malfeasance is being driven by failed ideologies. Zombie ideas that refuse to die have become enshrined in our collective intellectual legacy. The people behind these have been insulated from the economic costs they impose. Blame the billionaires. – BloombergDominant Social Theme: There are so many bad memes. Why do...Read More
Uruguay's roll-out of marijuana experiment faces election risk … Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production and sale of marijuana and its ground-breaking experiment could be dropped or watered down if an opposition candidate wins this month's presidential election. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: Cannabis legalization is too complex to work. The state has a nea...Read More
Here Comes the Internet of Money … Paul Volcker, the acclaimed former chairman of the Federal Reserve, famously questioned the value of financial innovation. He said he saw the point of the automated teller machine ("more of a mechanical innovation than a financial one"), but that was about it. Financial innovation was an unproductive competition for excess profit and a cause of in...Read More
Texas Puts Marijuana Reform on Legislative Agenda for 2015— Marijuana reform in Texas has been a long time coming, but as the end of this momentous year in cannabis legalization draws to a close, it is now on the legislative road map of reform, potentially as soon as 2015. The State Legislature plans to take up decriminalization in January, on the heels of states around states around the cou...Read More
Here Comes the Internet of Money … Paul Volcker, the acclaimed former chairman of the Federal Reserve, famously questioned the value of financial innovation. He said he saw the point of the automated teller machine ("more of a mechanical innovation than a financial one"), but that was about it. Financial innovation was an unproductive competition for excess profit and a cause of in...Read More
Texas Puts Marijuana Reform on Legislative Agenda for 2015— Marijuana reform in Texas has been a long time coming, but as the end of this momentous year in cannabis legalization draws to a close, it is now on the legislative road map of reform, potentially as soon as 2015. The State Legislature plans to take up decriminalization in January, on the heels of states around states around the cou...Read More
Rick Rule explains why precious metal prices are heading much higher with debt and dilution of currencies even though there will be volatility along the way.Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., began his career in the securities business in 1974. He is a leading American retail broker specializing in mining, energy, water utilities, forest products and agricu...Read More
In this video Doug talks about the education system, teachers unions, and homeschooling. Education has been corrupted by leftist ideas and a lack of actual education. Doug Casey is an American-born libertarian economist and advocate of the free market. He is a bestselling financial author, international investor, entrepreneur, and the founder and chairman of Casey Research, a provider of subscript...Read More
Michael Oliver explains how commodities have been depressed and are now moving higher.J. Michael Oliver entered the financial services industry in 1975 on the Futures side, joining E.F. Hutton's International Commodity Division, headquartered in New York City's Battery Park. He studied under David Johnston, head of Hutton's Commodity Division and Chairman of the COMEX. In the 1980s Mike began to d...Read More
Lior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade in pursuit of thrills and opportunities, gaining valuable knowledge and experience. With Wealth Research Group, Lior allows readers access into the world of the few who beat the markets consistently for decades...Read More
President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings, Inc. Rick Rule joins Kristin to share his thoughts on the biggest mistakes young Americans make in their finances, as well as his optimism on the fate of American entrepreneurialism.Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., began his career in the securities business in 1974. He is a leading American retail broker specializ...Read More
"We are near historic lows with regard to the rate at which cash is moving through the global economy."Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He a...Read More
"Don't get cute here. Don't sit there and think gold is going to pull back to $1,800 (per ounce), so I am going to wait. No man, buy some today, and then if it pulls back, buy some more. We are on this merry-go-round of madness that is not going to slow down. It's just going to spin faster and faster, and your only protection, your only financial protection is to not save in their phony baloney fi...Read More