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North Africa Explodes? DB Readers Get News Two Years Before It Happens

January 21, 2013 /

West faces 'decades' of conflict in N Africa … David Cameron has raised the spectre of Britain being sucked into the fight against terrorists in north Africa for "decades" after the Algerian hostage crisis ended with more than 80 reportedly dead. The UK prime minister said on Sunday that the growing threat of Islamist militants in the Sahel region of Africa required "a...Read More

Study Finds Flu Vaccine Is Often Ineffective, as Reported

January 21, 2013 /

Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Prof Michael T. Osterholm PhD et al … Background: No published meta-analyses have assessed efficacy and effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines in the USA with sensitive and highly specific diagnostic tests to confirm influenza. – The LancetDominant Social Theme: Vaccines are great. Use them...Read More

Elites Now Building Professional European Army

January 21, 2013 /

Support wanes for conscript system in Europe … Austrians vote on army conscription this weekend, an issue on which voters in Switzerland might also be polled this year. In the post-Cold War era various European countries have grappled with the topic, each in their own way. Seventeen countries in Europe have abolished or suspended conscription in the 21st century. Only six European Union memb...Read More

North Africa Explodes? DB Readers Get News Two Years Before It Happens

January 21, 2013 /

West faces 'decades' of conflict in N Africa … David Cameron has raised the spectre of Britain being sucked into the fight against terrorists in north Africa for "decades" after the Algerian hostage crisis ended with more than 80 reportedly dead. The UK prime minister said on Sunday that the growing threat of Islamist militants in the Sahel region of Africa required "a...Read More

Study Finds Flu Vaccine Is Often Ineffective, as Reported

January 21, 2013 /

Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Prof Michael T. Osterholm PhD et al … Background: No published meta-analyses have assessed efficacy and effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines in the USA with sensitive and highly specific diagnostic tests to confirm influenza. – The LancetDominant Social Theme: Vaccines are great. Use them...Read More

Pink Floyd - Mademoiselle Nobs - Live Pompei

January 20, 2013 /

David Gilmour played harmonica instead of singing and Roger Waters played one of Gilmour's Stratocaster guitars. A female Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound) named Nobs, which belonged to Madona Bouglione (the daughter of circus director Joseph Bouglione), was brought to the studio to provide howling accompanimentRead More

Could Boeing's Troubles Bring the House Down? Peter Schiff & Bubba Horwitz Discuss

January 20, 2013 /

As the aerospace giant continues to see its issues pile up, some officials in the U.S. government now say that Boeing's troubles could weigh on the entire economy. We break it all down with Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital and Todd Horwitz of Bubba Trading.Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his...Read More

Assassination-gate! Trump Officials Say No 'Imminent Threat.' With Former CIA officer Phil Giraldi

January 20, 2013 /

Trump officials - including Trump himself today - have been steadily pulling back from initial claims after the January 3rd assassination of Iranian top general Soleimani that he was killed because of "imminent threats" of attack led by the Iranian. New evidence is emerging that the kill order had been given seven months ago and according to Israeli media, Netanyahu was directly involved in plotti...Read More

While Trump Warns Tehran Of Censorship, Facebook's Thought Police Censor Pro-Iran Tweets

January 20, 2013 /

The hypocrisy is unbelievable. In order to comply with United States sanctions on Iran, Facebook's thought police have taken to censorship on behalf of the government. At the same timeContinue...Read More

Julian Assange leaves in prison van after court hearing

January 20, 2013 /

The Wikileaks founder is being held at a maximum-security jail and was recently transported from his cell this morning in what was described by his lawyer as "uncomfortable journey."Read More

Jim Rickards: "Last Hurrah" for Central Bankers

January 20, 2013 /

That QE2 and QE3 did not stimulate the economy at all; this has been the weakest economic expansion in U.S. history. All QE did was create asset bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estate Continue...Read More


January 20, 2013 /

Gregory Mannarino started his financial career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. He is an active trader of the capital markets and has published several books pertaining to finance, global economics, and equity trading; His most recent book is titled Ultimate Guide To Money and The Markets (free ebook). Gregory currently hosts a b...Read More

Jeff Snider: The Fed is avoiding the real issue

January 20, 2013 /

"Not QE", Repo Bailouts & more: Where does it end and why is it necessary to start with?Reconciling improved unemployment reports with Jeff's criticisms of CB policyDistinguishing R* from true Economic PotentialThe real causes of slack in the economy and underperformance against economic potentialRead More

Martin Armstrong: The Fed Can't Exit the Repo Market Without Causing A Massive Crisis

January 20, 2013 /

All I am prepared to say publicly is that the solution is beyond the powers of all the central banks combined. The solution is not attainable Continue...Read More

US removes China from currency manipulator list ahead of trade deal signing

January 20, 2013 /

"The Treasury Department has helped secure a significant Phase One agreement with China that will lead to greater economic growth and opportunity for American workers and businesses," Continue...Read More

Giant Gold Bar Found in Mexico City Park Turns Out to Be Aztec Treasure Looted By Spanish Conquistadors

January 20, 2013 /

The gold bar was found by a construction working in 1981 and is a piece of history. Continue...Read More

David Moadel: Trading in This Bull***t Overpriced Market...

January 20, 2013 /

"People who have no business being in the stock market are buying stocks...I hate to call them this but they're the 'dumb money.'""The real returns over the next decade are substandard after this happens, typically, after everybody gets in."David Moadel is a trader and investor of stocks and options. A former elementary school teacher, David has a master's degree in education and a unique ability...Read More

'Gold, gold, gold': The metal wants to go to $1,800 - Cramer

January 20, 2013 /

"When I see this endless buying for gold it makes me think for the first time people are just saying, 'I'm really fearful.'"Continue...Read More

Catherine Austin Fitts - To Save America, We Must Work From Bottom Up

January 20, 2013 /

Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Wall Street investment banker, macroeconomic expert and publisher of The Solari Report More

Michael Pento: The Middle Class Is Becoming Extinct And The Fed Couldn't Care Less

January 20, 2013 /

It is not at all a mystery as to the cause of the wealth gap that exists between the very rich and the poor. Central bankers are the primary cause of Continue...Read More

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