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Chaarat Gold offers to buy Centerra's Kumtor mine in Kyrgyzstan

January 01, 1970 /

ALMATY — London-listed Chaarat Gold Holdings (CGH) offered on Tuesday to buy Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine, Kumtor, from Canada’s Centerra Gold for an undisclosed cash sum, in a deal that would also involve Kyrgyz state firm Kyrgyzaltyn.Centerra and Kyrgyzstan have had a series of disputes over sharing profits from Kumtor, and Chaarat said it was offering the Central Asian natio...Read More

Pre-acquisition update on MinRex's cobalt-scandium projects

January 01, 1970 /

MinRexResources Limited (ASX:MRR) has delivered an update on its currentpre-acquisition due diligence for three cobalt-scandium-nickel projects in NSWand WA being undertaken by a geology consultant. Due diligencework by the geology team on the Pacific Express project in NSW is now focusedon six prospective areas for high-grade cobalt-scandium mineralisation. Provingup the region's prospectivity fo...Read More

Lucara digs up another giant diamond at its Botswana mine in bumper year for big gem finds

January 01, 1970 /

Lucara Diamond Corp. has found another huge diamond at its mine in Botswana.The company unearthed a 327-carat top white-gem diamond just two weeks after finding a 472-carat light brown stone. It’s the ninth-largest diamond discovered by Lucara, which now produces some of the biggest and best in the world.Lucara unearths another massive diamond from Botswana mineThe fifth-largest diamond in h...Read More

Lithium Australia provides update on SiLeach lithium tech

January 01, 1970 /

LithiumAustralia (ASX:LIT) today provided an update on the progress of its cuttingedge SiLeach (R) plant design. Itsfront-end engineering and design (FEED) activities are progressing as plannedwith undertakings including preliminary equipment specifications, materialselection, infrastructure, assessment of contracting strategies, discussionwith vendors selected for the supply of specialised equipm...Read More

'Political noise': Canadian miner hopes for business as usual after the Castros' long rule ends

January 01, 1970 /

After years of paying down debt and restructuring its operations, a new question mark hangs over Toronto-based Sherritt International Corp: whether the leadership change in Cuba will affect its extensive nickel, cobalt and energy operations located within the tropical island nation.Sherritt refers to itself as Cuba’s largest foreign investor, and derives most of its revenues from operations...Read More

Silver Market Update

January 01, 1970 /

Some silver bulls lacking patience are being driven mad by its seemingly interminable sideways pattern, yet you shouldn't be, because the continuing sideways movement allows more time to build a portfolio of silver investments ahead of the major bullmarket that we know is incubating. Right now it is being held in restraint like gold, by the dollar rallying, but that won't carry on forever, and as...Read More

Canada Health Act a barrier to reform and better universal health care

January 01, 1970 /

Despite spending more on health care than the majority of developed countries with universal-access health-care systems, Canada performs poorly in international comparisons of the performance of health systems. Canada's health policies also differ from those of other nations with universal-access health care-in particular, those that have the developed world's best performing universal systems-in...Read More

Planning pays off for Alligator Energy

January 01, 1970 /

AlligatorEnergy (ASX:AGE) has published its quarterly activities report along with anupdated investor presentation. Alligatoris an ASX-listed exploration company focused on uranium and energy relatedminerals, principally cobalt-nickel. The company is focused on the discovery oflarge economic high grade energy related metal deposits (uranium, nickel,cobalt) with clear pathways for approval and deve...Read More

Adriatic Metals lists on ASX, chases high-grade zinc discovery in mining-friendly Balkans

January 01, 1970 /

This stock is classified as 'very high risk' in nature due to its location and geopolitical situation of the region. Finfeed advises that extra caution should be taken when deciding whether to engage in this product, however if you are not sure whether it is suitable for you we suggest you seek independent financial advice.Adriatic Metals(ASX:ADT) makes its ASX debut today and is already drawing c...Read More

Pursuit begins follow-up zinc drilling

January 01, 1970 /

Now at the endof the wet season, Pursuit Minerals (ASX:PUR) has begun follow up drilling atits Paperbark Project in North Queensland in order to determine the fullpotential of the project's JE Zone zinc system. PUR acquiredthe Paperbark Project, along with the Bluebush and Coober Pedy Projects fromTeck Australia Pty Ltd in 2017 and has wasted no time in getting on withexploring what's on offer.The...Read More

'Complete and utter disrepair': Business groups slam Ottawa's changes to transportation bill

January 01, 1970 /

OTTAWA — Business groups are warning that a recent motion introduced by the Minister of Transport could put shippers at a further disadvantage to Canada’s rail firms, leaving companies worse off than before Ottawa introduced its sweeping transportation bill last year.A coalition of business associations said the minister’s rejection of two key Senate amendments reinforces the con...Read More

Expanded Canada Pension Plan could decrease investment in Canada by up to $114 billion over next decade

January 01, 1970 /

Beginning in 2019, mandatory contributions by Canadian workers to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will increase, step by step, over seven years. While the expansion of the CPP may be well intentioned, it will result in several unintended consequences. One consequence is a reduction in the amount that Canadians save voluntarily in their private accounts such as RRSPs and TFSAs. Previous research has...Read More

The case for gold in the era of financial virtual reality

January 01, 1970 /

"John Locke, the British philosopher whose ideas fuelled the American Revolution, had a theory of knowledge and Continue...Read More

Adriatic reports exploration results ahead of drilling at Vare??

January 01, 1970 /

Finfeed presentsthis information for the use of readers in their decision to engage with this stock.Please be aware that this is a very high risk stock. We stress that thisarticle should only be used as one part of this decision making process. Youneed to fully inform yourself of all factors and information relating to thisproduct before engaging with it.Results are in from Adriatic Metals PLC (AS...Read More

Archer identifies exploration target at SA manganese project

January 01, 1970 /

Archer Exploration Limited(ASX:AXE) has this morning informed the market it has identified an ExplorationTarget for its Jamieson Tank Manganese project located near Cleve, SouthAustralia. A review undertaken by AXE ofhistorical drill results at the project has led to the establishment of amaiden exploration target of 15Mt-25Mt at a grade of 8-12% manganese.The Jamieson Tank project - whichis locat...Read More

Black Rock achieves world first, ultra-high graphite grade

January 01, 1970 /

FinFeed presents this information for the use of readers in theirdecision to engage with this product. Please be aware that this is a veryhigh-risk product. We stress that this article should only be used as one partof this decision-making process. You need to fully inform yourself of allfactors and information relating to this product before engaging with it. Tanzanian graphite developer BlackRoc...Read More

High grade vanadium at Pursuit's Finland prospect

January 01, 1970 /

Less than a month after expanding its operations and securing aportfolio of vanadium projects in Finland and Sweden, Pursuit Minerals(ASX:PUR) has reported high grade vanadium mineralisation at the KoitelainenProject's KoitelainenV prospect in Finland. Nine drill holesfrom the prospect produced magnetite concentrates with vanadium values rangingfrom 2.0 to 3.7% V2O5, with a globally significant av...Read More

White Rock provides update for zinc project in Alaska

January 01, 1970 /

White Rock Minerals Limited (ASX:WRM) has provided anupdate on its plans to conduct a comprehensive exploration program at its 100%owned zinc VMS project at Red Mountain in Alaska.Personnel crews have begunarriving at the summer field camp, to establish the camp area in preparationfor field operations expected to commence within two weeks. Additional crewsincluding the drillers and the field geolo...Read More

Gold and the Monetary Blockade on Iran

January 01, 1970 /

This blog post is a guest post on BullionStar's Blog by the renowned blogger JP Koning who will be writing about monetary economics, central banking and gold. BullionStar does not endorse or oppose the opinions presented but encourage a healthy debate.With Donald Trump close to re-instituting economic sanctions on Iran, it's worth remembering that gold served as a tool for skirting the the las...Read More

PRECIOUS-Gold slips as Fed signals two more rate raises

January 01, 1970 /

BENGALURU, June 14 (Reuters) - Gold prices inched lower on Thursday as the Federal Reserve forecast two more U.S. rate increases this year after raising rates on Wednesday, although lingering worries over trade tensions between Washington and Beijing prevented steeper losses.FUNDAMENTALS* Spot gold XAU= was down 0.1 percent to $1,298.61 per ounce at 0047 GMT. It touched an over one-week low at $1,...Read More

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