(IDEX Online) - Sarine reports a quarterly increase in revenue and profit, largely driven by the rollout of its improved Meteorite Plus technology, for high-speed automated processing of small rough diamonds.The Israel-based tech company said overall sales of capital equipment were up 53 per cent in Q3 2022, compared with the same period last year.Revenue for the quarter rose 20 per cent to $14.5m and profits were up 12 per cent to $2.2m.Sarine said sales had surged since the September launch of Meteorite Plus, improving throughput by almost half and allowing a single operator to control up to five systems at the same time.The company said results had improved, despite coninuing negative geopolitical developments, the war in Ukraine, an inflationary economic environment with dramatically increased energy bills, the ongoing zero-Covid policy and lockdowns in China and the resulting equity market losses. In August Sarine reported a 13 per cent drop in first-half earnings, under "challenging conditions", notably the ongoing war in Ukraine and resulting sanctions on Russia. Revenue declined from $36.0m in H1 2021 to $31.2m.Sarine said: " Midstream polishing activities decreased somewhat as uncertainties slightly reduced the quantities of rough diamonds entering the pipeline, and the summer vacations in the U.S. and European markets slowed demand."The flow of rough diamonds into the midstream pipeline may decrease somewhat for the rest of this year, as recently indicated by DeBeers increase of their buyback paradigm from 10% to 20%. This may reduce our recurrent revenue, but is not expected to be significant."Pic courtesy Sarine