RAPAPORT... New Art Cima will become the first Japanese retailer to usethe Sarine Diamond Journey software to sell jewelry to its customers. The platform presents a report of all the steps a diamondtakes from its rough origin to the polished product. It also comes with a three-dimensionalmodel of the original uncut stone that a customer can see and touch, Sarinesaid this week. "Each diamond is an exceptional jewel which has its ownindividual story to tell," said Sarine CEO David Block. "We are excited to beable to emphasize the distinction of diamonds by providing the verified storybehind each diamond's unique journey, providing wonder and value far beyond thetraditional 4C measurements." New Art Cima - Japan's leading retailer of bridal diamond jewelry, according to Sarine - was also the first to adopt theSarine Light grading reports in 2013. "We believe that [the] Sarine Diamond Journey report will provideour customers with an enhanced shopping experience and add value to theirpurchase," said Tetsuya Shiraishi, vice president of New Art Cima. Image: The Sarine diamond journey. (Sarine Technologies)