Chinese officials have been claiming the coronavirus epidemic is under control in China. But many cities are going back under lockdown suggesting a second wave of outbreaks.
Why does the world know so little about the virus until it's too late? An internal document issued by the Chinese regime, known as Document No. 3 seems to explain.
"China in Focus" is a new Youtube channel created by NTD to provide viewers with fast, compelling, first-hand news from China.
"NTD is a New York-based global news and entertainment media company founded in 2001. We believe the integrity of our world hinges on the accurate and truthful spread of information. We dedicate ourselves to providing the truth, no matter the cost, and shedding light on major issues. We cover the stories that others don't. Our unbiased news provides critical information and insight. Our exclusive analyses cut through the complicated political landscape and provide a clear perspective. We hold ourselves responsible to society by steering clear of sensationalism and producing news with the utmost integrity."
NTD refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party's coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.