Smart Money Is Going All-InOn This New Gold Frontier / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020

By Submissions / October 28, 2020 / / Article Link


By the end ofnext year, Australia is expected to become the #1 country in goldproduction, knocking China from the pedestal during today’s gold bull market.

It’s been home to some of the biggest gold bonanzas in the world,like the Mount Morgan mine which has produced over 8 million ounces of gold to date.

But while all eyes have been on Western Australia over the pastseveral years, a team of industry veterans has come together, returning to theplace where the Australian gold rush began.

New South Wales sparked Australia’s massive gold rush in 1851,when the discovery of gold flecks in a watering hole sent over 500,000 minersfrom around the world rushing to the region.

Now, Sentinel ResourcesCorp. (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) hasbrought together a team with over 90 years of combined experience to tap thishistoric region again in the ultimate low-risk, high-reward opportunity.

Armed with valuable data onhistoric mines that some world-class geologists believe is worth over $30million, Sentinel just acquired 8 new properties in New South Wales for pennieson the dollar.

And it’s had some in the industry speculating why a team ofindustry veterans have joined this little-known junior to take on a regionothers have mistakenly overlooked.

Here are 5 reasons investors should be keeping an eye on Sentinelas they forge ahead toward exploring their vast portfolio of projects in thecoming months.

1 -Experienced Team With A World-Class CV

Sentinel (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) hasmanaged to recruit some of the brightest minds and most experiencedprofessionals in the mining business to this new endeavor.

Together, their exploration team boasts a combined 90 years ofexperience, working in over 80 different countries around the world.

Their, senior advisor, Dr. Chris Wilson, hasexperience with mining and mineral exploration in 76 different countries. He’salso devoted much of the last 10 years to reviewing potential mining-relatedinvestment opportunities for high net worth people.

In short, that means he spent decades hunting for the bestopportunities around the globe, and he knows a high-value opportunity when hefinds one.

Danny Marcos, their exploration manager, has 25 years ofexperience as a seasoned field explorationist. And 10 ofthose years were spent right where it matters most, exploring and mining forminerals in the Australian province of New South Wales.

During the past few decades, he’s been part of some majordiscoveries, including one of the biggest discoveries to date in thePhilippines.

Dr. Peter Pollard, their chief geologist and director, has a CVthat few in the industry can match.

Not only has he written over 70 peer-reviewed papers throughouthis career, but he’s presented short courses on ore geology to industry expertsfor over 25 years.

In the field, he’s also consultedfor many of the world’s top 20 mining companies, working on the biggestprojects in the world. Plus, he’s served on the board of a number of both private andpublic companies.

And perhaps most importantly, his areas of expertise includeintrusion-related mineralized systems.

This includes many of the sametypes Sentinel is expecting to see throughout their properties in New SouthWales.

Sentinel has also enrolled the help of Dr. Chris Wilson, theirsenior advisor.

He’s worked closely with some of the premier names in miningthroughout the world.

For example, he worked asbillionaire Robert Friedland’s right-hand technical man for Ivanhoe Mines, overseeinga whopping 11 million hectares of exploration.

He’s had over 30 years of experience in selecting prime areas toprospect and designing large drilling programs.

And this experience will be key in designing a program in NewSouth Wales that will give Sentinel the best bang for their buck.

Like others on this star-studded team, Wilson also worked in over75 countries on most commodities and deposit styles.

Plus, one member of the Sentinel team was also responsible forboth sourcing the projects and vetting the assets at the Fosterville gold mine,the largest gold mine in Victoria.

That means they’re intimately familiar with the geology in thearea and already have a track record that most spend years only hoping toachieve.

But now, after the major discovery just south of New South Wales, thisteam member will be moving north with Sentinel to hunt elephants.

With this team behind the exploration in the months ahead, theyhave the advantage of decades of experience and knowledge of geology that fewteams in the world can match.

Regardless of the types of deposits or geology they come across,it’ll be hard to throw anything at this team that they haven’t already seenover the years, which gives them a massive advantage from the outset.

2 - TappingInto Large, Vastly Underexplored Territories

Australia is becoming well-knownfor having one of the largest gold reserves on earth.

With the favorable geology and orethat’s more easily mined here than in other regions, this isquickly grabbing the attention of companies around the world.

That’s because this means a lower cost for miners to startoperation, and it often leads to higher margins for those who plow ahead onthis mineral-rich island.

And while Victoria and other territories have already been stakedand have high entry costs for new miners, the state of New South Wales has gonelargely overlooked until now.

And Sentinel (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) isn’tmaking the mistake of sleeping on this historic mineral-rich region.

There’s an endowment of more than40 million ounces of gold from past production, and sources suggest that thein-ground resources there are expected to exceed 68 million ounces.

That means there’s been plenty of historical proof that thisregion has been ripe with major discoveries, and many expect there are stillsignificant gold and silver resources lying under the surface.

Add to that the low cost of entry and low costs to hold the land,and this makes mining in New South Wales incredibly appealing.

This is why Sentinel has justacquired 8 gold projects spanning a massive 948 square km, and they’re set totap into numerous deposit types there that others haven’t followed up on inpast production.

But that’s just the beginning.

They’ve also acquired 7 moresilver properties, covering 450 square km and containing north of 80 high-gradeshowings.

And these aren’t expected to just contain high-grade silver.There’s also been historical findings of high-grade gold on these silverproperties as well.

This adds even more potential on top of the 8 promising new goldproperties.

But it’s the location of these new silver projects that’s drawingattention, particularly their new Broken Hill West property.

This property is a hidden gem, located near some of the richestmineral discoveries on the continent.

They’ll have a close neighbor in Newcrest Mining, a major with amarket cap of $25 billion.

And it’s also located just 2.5 kmfrom the historic Broken Hill mine, one of the largest silver deposits in theworld.

Broken Hill is also the namesake behind BHP, the industry titanworth $133 billion, as this is where they got their start before becoming oneof the largest mining companies in the world.

Now, with Sentinel’s new silver property situated near anothermajor and within a few short kilometers of one of the world’s largest silverdiscoveries, this is sure to be an area to pay close attention to.

Overall, they’re expecting around75% of the exploration projects to include high-value resources, which isincredible considering the massive portfolio they’ve acquired in the area.

And they’ll have a wealth of data at their fingertips to get themstarted, thanks to the enormous database that exists for the state of New SouthWales.

A treasure trove of data like this would typically cost miningcompanies $30-50 million in exploration dollars.

But this has already been providedby the Australian government, giving Sentinel an incredible head start as they get set todiscover the new properties.

So with this database giving them plenty of information on the geophysics,geological data, and data on the mineral grades of past underground mines,their all-star team has loads of ammo to work with.

This puts them in an incredible position as these experts preparetheir 3-phase exploration project.

3 - ARigorous Process Based On Mountains of Data

Sentinel (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) haskept a close eye on their balance sheet, and they’re showing promise by choosinglow-risk, high-reward targets.

With the massive land portfolio they just acquired in New SouthWales, they paid just $10,000 per concession plusrequired exploration work expenditures of only $25,000 in year 1 and $50,000 inyear 2.

The same plots of land in Western Australia or Victoria wouldlikely cost many times more to acquire on top of the higher prices to hold theland.

But after acquiring these projects for pennies on the dollar,Sentinel can now hold these properties for very cheap, and the potential inthese untapped resources could make these very lucrative projects.

But Sentinel isn’t resting on their laurels after finding thisincredible bargain.

They’ve already devised a specific 3-phase process to choose thetargets that will give them the best chance at striking rich gold and silvergrades.

In phase one, they’ll evaluate each of the prospects and historicmines based on a select set of criteria.

They’ll be judging these based on everything from the quality ofthe data they have... to the distance away from producing facilities… to theirchances they’ll hit more deposits close by.

After this intensive process, they’ll be rank-ordering them to seewhich properties give them the best chance of a major discovery.

But only the top 50% of their ranked targets will make the cut toget to phase two.

The rest will either be considered for joint ventures or followedup on later projects, so even the lower 50% could bring them back a profit.

In phase two, Sentinel will choose their best targets and get towork with geomapping and rock chip/regolith sampling.

This will give them valuable information about what types ofdeposits are on the land, the depth at which they should mine, and the samplinggrades of the gold and silver on the property.

All that data from phase two comes together to give them a basisfor the final phase.

In phase three, they’ll focus on putting the puzzle piecestogether at their highest conviction drill spots.

There, they’ll focus on spotting linear trends on the properties,and they’ll hone in on the most robust, drill-ready targets.

After this intensive process, their expert team expects to havelocked in on only the most promising targets from their vast portfolio ofhistorical gold- and silver-rich lands.

4 -Diversifying with More Proven Properties Around the World

If it’s not enough that Sentinel is going to such great lengths todo their research, they’ve also taken another step to improve their chances ofa major discovery moving forward.

They’ve built up a portfolio of historic land projects in severalof the most mineral-rich areas around the world, with major projects in twoother continents.

This fits Sentinel’s trend of stacking up low-risk properties withhigh potential, as several of them have alreadydisplayed high-grade showings and underground workings in past production.

Outside their promising new properties in Australia, they’ve alsotapped into a big opportunity  with theirWaterloo silver project in British Columbia,l one of the most incredibly wellmineralized and productive mining environments in the World..

Much like the project in New SouthWales, they’ll be able to hit the ground running with a government-fundeddatabase, one of  the most robust datasets in North America or beyond.

This has given them plenty of data on the geology of the area andhistoric findings even before setting foot on the property.

And with Sentinel’s team and their 90+ years of combinedexperience, they’re set to go to work.

Their Waterloo project covers 3,130 hectares, and located just 65km east of Kelowna, British Columbia, it’s easily accessible for the teambecause of the excellent infrastructure in the area.

There’s been historic production there with high-grade silver andgold prospects dating back all the way to 1903.

But it’s still a largely untapped property, as the previousoperator made only 12 short drill holes, and data is showing a 4 km long strikethat’s never been systematically drill tested.

The structures here are consistent with other known mineraloccurrences, and bonanza-grade silver has been discovered in earlier grabsamples.

All that to say, Sentinel could be sitting on another major discoveryfor gold and silver, based on past production and early findings.

Now, with phase 1 work program having been completed, they’reeagerly awaiting assay results to see how rich the grades in this exciting areamay be.

But they’re not stopping there.

Sentinel has also acquired 4 moremining concessions covering 2,700 hectares in their Salama gold project inPeru.

This property is located in a prolific belt of gold-polymetallicdeposits close to the coast of Peru, hosting an enormous number of deposits.

Together, the belt is projected bymany to hold over 20 million ounces of gold within 45 km of Salama.

Sentinel’searly satellite data shows two large intersections at the northeast end of theproperty, similar to a discovery made at La Virgen property 20 km north ofSalama.

This could be very promising as historic production there wasreported to be 120,000 ounces per annum.

Sentinel is scheduled to have their first visit at the property inOctober, and more news could be coming soon on the plans to tap this gold-richregion.

With low-risk projects in some of the world’s richest mineralregions throughout the world and an expert team heading the charge, there’splenty to be excited about.

Which leads us to the final reason you should be keeping a closeeye on Sentinel…

5 - The Storyis Expected to Unfold Quickly

With their 15 combined gold and silver projects in New South Walesand their upcoming projects in British Columbia and Peru, there will be lots ofnews coming out of Sentinel (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) inthe weeks and months ahead.

It’s a story that could be incredibly interesting to follow astheir experienced team pores through the mountain of data and moves throughtheir rigorous 3-step process...

Developing a list of the most valuable drill targets across thisnearly 150,000 km of mineral-rich land.

They’re scheduled to have fullaccess to the properties in New South Wales within the next few months. Andwhen they do, they’ll have 3,000 data points compiled to develop their plan.

Unlike many other juniors who are strapped for cash and racingfrantically to make a discovery to cover costs, Sentinel is being strategic anddoing it right.

Their team understands the major architecture of New South Wales,and they’re making the bigger play that could attract the attention of majorsin one of the greatest untouched regions of the world.

But with such a vast portfolio and the unmatched amount of data availablebefore even tapping ground, they’ll have more than enough to provide constanthigh-grade press releases.

They plan to break ground on their gold properties within the next12 months, but there is expected to be plenty of other exciting news comingfrom their exploration of the other properties in the months ahead.

Sentinel (CSE:SNL; OTC:SNLRF) hasthe equivalent of 10 moon landings on their hands in their New South Wales goldproperties…

And now, the addition of these historic silver properties likeBroken Hill West could be the expedition to Mars that becomes a world-classdiscovery.

The BottomLine?

Sentinel has8 gold projects and 7 silver projects in the largely untapped New South Walesregion. Their newlyacquired Broken Hill West property is located just 2.5 km from one of theworld’s largest silver depositsTheirexploration team has a combined 90+ years of experience in over 80 countries,giving them the benefit of incredible insight into whatever minerals orstructures lie on the properties.New SouthWales has provided a vast database worth tens of millions in explorationdollars, which offers Sentinel a head start in setting their plan of attack.They’vediversified their land portfolio with high-grade mines around the world. With thelarge amount of land and data available, they’ll have an almost constant newsflow with high-grade press releases in the months to come.

By. Jason Mitchell


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